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The community submitted 91 reviews to tell us what they like about Topia, what Topia can do better, and more.
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91 Reviews
Daniel Herrera
Engineer by Nature, Designer by Choice
1 review
Review of Topia 2.0
It's a really great space to hangout online, I just wish there was more promotion of this product, but I know there are just too many options right now.
Sam Kazemian
cofounder, everipedia
1 review
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Review of Topia
I wanted to chime in here to say we love Topia and @dliebeskind & Danielle's work! They have truly built something very novel and innovative especially for our ever-more-digital world. Daniel was my company's CPO (Everipedia) and he was one of the best people to ever work with us. His creativity knows no bounds. His idea with Topia was so good in our opinion that our company ended up invested in Topia just a few months after Daniel started it. We are extremely excited to back Topia and its amazing founders!
Dan Pantelo
Founder/CEO @ Marpipe, digital vandal
5 reviews
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Review of Topia
This is literally so freaking fun to use - someone sent this to me a while ago and we met inside this little virtual playground. Lightens the mood of meetings so much.
James Andrews
Founder, Authenticated
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Review of Topia
We discovered Topia during Breakout's event and it was a magical love affair from first sight. After spending some time with @dliebeskind and Dylan it was obvious this team has a clear vision. We hosted a "Future of Cities" conference and utilized Topia as a companion to our live streams and this Friday we debut our community space with a holiday party ( which was super easy to build out thanks to the pre-set kit. Today I spent time in the Spatial Media Symposium as a speaker and hats off to @brianswichkow for a thoughtful thought partner and builder. Big plans for us and Topia spaces in 2021.
Laur Science
Passionate about health-span extension.
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Review of Topia
Just love what you're making here. Love the idea of having my own world to welcome my friends, especially during social distancing. How do you think Topia usage may evolve as Covid lockdowns lift?
Evan Englezos
Melbourne, Australia
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Review of Topia 2.0
I discovered Topia after digging around for a user-friendly space to host events and I'm amazed at its simplicity and the idea of people having the freedom to group and share ideas based on their location on the map. But Topia goes so much further than this. Its features are very advanced and provide many applications for building communities and sharing spaces. I'm sharing this with many people at the moment and using Topia to host a virtual concert soon! Thanks T-Team!
R. Fancsiki
Headline here
25 reviews
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Review of Topia
We do not support FireFox at this time. Please use Chrome on a Desktop computer. Or maybe IE 6.
Jordan Kallman
Event Designer and Experience Producer
2 reviews
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Review of Topia
World building. If you want to create virtual events that people actually talk about with their friends, you need to immerse them in an imaginary social space. An alternate reality they can explore. What sets Topia apart from the other emerging proximity design platforms? Three things: 1. It is beautiful, the aesthetic resonates and it creates a sense of wonder with those who join; 2. It is super simple to adopt and accessibility is a key feature. My 67 year-old mom loves it; 3. You can customize a world within minutes, but the depth of available options for more sophisticated builders is limitless. Since June we have been translating our large-scale festivals to the virtual space and Topia is far-and-away the most impactful layer to our events and gatherings. Plus, the team is the most enthusiastic, helpful and available team we have met across our experience using nearly 50 different platforms. If you choose a technology purely based on one factor, make it the spirit of the founders and early team members. They are simply the best and this product has a long run ahead.
Brad Williamson
2 reviews
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Review of Topia 2.0
Topia is just too much fun! The possibilities regarding the worlds you can create are seemingly endless. Got a great team working behind the scenes of this metaverse to make sure it rivals the pleasures provided by the real world. Can't wait to see this place flourish! ;-)
Sheila Stafford
Start-up CEO, Mom, life-long learner.
1 review
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Review of Topia
we tried it as an "office" for our remote team. Pros: Loved the ability to walk up and have the audio understand we were close by. Cons: it needs more designated spaces to function as a virtual office. Some small tweaks and this would be awesome