A collection of resources for underrepresented people in tech. Once a week, we’ll send you upcoming conference scholarships, events, education scholarships, job opportunities, and more.
Bootcamp grads, self-taught techies, a pianist, comic book artist, and everything in between. Celebrating the wins, revealing the struggles, and sharing the learnings on how they landed their first roles in software engineering, design, & product management.
The Diversity Avatars collection is an exploration of the beauty and diversity of people and cultures around the world, including all walks of life, religions, and nationalities. UPDATE April 5, 2019 : 750 avatars - https://diversityavatars.com/the-avatars
UrbanTech is a community interested in why cities and tech are intersecting more by the day. Through our newsletter (2+ per week), podcasts, events, and job resources, we are mapping out the growing tech space through information, analysis, and conversations.
EqualOppotrunity.Work is a job aggregator collects jobs by specific keywords like "inclusive" or "diverse" in their descriptions. The mission is to create a platform to help connect diverse talent with good companies.