

Feel like a team again with your own virtual office
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70 Reviews
Daryll Wong
Product Enthusiast
102 reviews
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Review of Teamflow
It's a recommend for me! Great step in innovation into this space! Really like the use of space to create another dimension (which may make a big difference). Definitely love to try it. As remote working becomes more a norm in the near future, this may look more normal than it previously was.
Josh Lowy
Josh Lowy
Head of Product, Calendly
4 reviews
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Review of Teamflow
We've been using this for team meetings and ad-hoc check-ins. It is a much more natural/enjoyable collaboration experience when compared to Zoom, and way faster than spinning up Zoom links every time you just need to chat quickly. In the past few weeks, we have already had multiple serendipitous discussions when realizing that other colleagues were nearby at the same time. Also @altimor is super responsive to feedback. It's clear the product will continuously improve at a rapid pace 👌.
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Review of Teamflow
Been using Teamflow at Causal for the past few weeks and love it — we're a remote team and it lets us interact much more naturally than on Slack+Zoom. I look forward to logging into Teamflow every morning :)
Sarah Sandnes
Co-founder / CTO SafetyWing
1 review
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Review of Teamflow
I love Teamflow! Been waiting for someone to launch a proper virtual office for a long while now, to the point where we considered implementing it ourselves. But then Teamflow comes along and they go above and beyond, spewing out awesome and useful and creative features at a rapid pace. It's playful, unpretentious and social while simultaneously being technically advanced, stable and productivity inducing. Awesome founder, awesome product.
Randall Bennett
Founder, Vidpresso (acq fb)
3 reviews
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Review of Teamflow
I've used this product for a bit, and it's fundamentally shifting how I view synchronous remote work. I would use this as soon as you're able with a team that is located outside of a single room. The only downside is async isn't yet baked in, so you'll need to have a second spot for things like chat, etc. I think this is coming shortly though. Honestly it's great. Huge fan.
Micha(el) Bladowski
6 reviews
Does not recommend this product
Review of Teamflow 2.0
first: i really feel fooled reading all other super positive reviews. these people never used that software or they postings are paid. i am not here to blame anyone, but I feel super fooled reading all that "wow, better than ever" stuff.... at least, this is not a paid review, I guarantee. i tested this now a few hours, installed everything, win app, android app.... the windows app is over 800MB... just a note, the slack app is 10% of it !!! what annoys me the most: the whole app is made to be close to people that are not in the same room as me, and guess what, the webcam image is the most horrible quality if have ever seen in any app ! the webcam quality the other person sees is that bad, you rather please the other person to switch it off. and we both have 1080p ! but the other person sees something like 240p ! same to screen sharing: absolutely useless. the screen quality is more than horrible. i cannot discuss anything if everything looks like Minecraft. besides that, the screen-share at the viewers were flickering all the time, no chance to show anything. and I tested all this as a premium user (inside the free trial) - so there is no difference between free and paid, both look terrible. the only thing that is bearable is the sound. the whole idea is nice, no question, but the main purpose of apps like this is being close to people who are not in my room - but if the most important function is a mess - so I rather choose to communicate via morse code than using that bad quality. the idea is nice, no question, but the most important functionality makes it unusable. maybe this whole app is still super alpha, I don´t know, at this stage, it´s nothing more than SimCity, sorry.
Jacob Cloran
1 review
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Review of Teamflow
As a fully remote team, we're always looking for tools that help us lower the friction for collaboration. We are huge fans of async communication, but there's a class of problems that a quick conversation/screenshare can solve much faster. Teamflow has helped us facilitate those quick collabs more frequently. Overall, love the product, and especially love the pace at which the product is improving!
Matt Warcholinski
💻📈Building highly scalable JS apps
5 reviews
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Review of Teamflow
Tried it with my team and we liked it. I love the long-term vision and I am super curious to see what will be next for you guys! (roadmap <3) @altimor
Arian Fornaris
Founder at Phaser Editor 2D.
1 review
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Review of Teamflow
That's great, congratulations! It looks like something you would like to run on a bigger touch screen, with a lot of gesture-based communication. Actually, maybe some physical gadgets to improve daily browsing and communication could be interesting.
Tristan Homsi
reading+hacking at
9 reviews
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Review of Teamflow 2.0
Been using Teamflow near daily for a year now! Highly recommend 😍