
Impactful Sociallistening & Analytics Platform
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What do people think of Talkwalker?

The community submitted 59 reviews to tell us what they like about Talkwalker, what Talkwalker can do better, and more.
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59 Reviews
Startup Wannabe
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I'd like to have a Results browsing and filtering experience. Happy to share my thinking here.

Daniel Li
Daniel Li
Fullstack JavaScript Developer
53 reviews
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Review of Quick Search

Requires you to provide your email account for the demo

Technology Nerd
1 review
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I like how easy it is to track brand mentions on everything from blogs, to forums, to social media, even video sharing sites.

Sabrina Cadini

Holistic Precision Life Coach

3 reviews
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I just signed up and I already received great alert lists!

Adel de Meyer
Traveler, Connector & Innovator.
5 reviews
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Been using these alerts for years, much better than Google alerts. The new Twitter added alerts are useful, I get a daily summary of my most important mentions which is nice. Talkwalker alerts is great for a free service, highly recommend you use it for your brand or business.

Adel de Meyer
Traveler, Connector & Innovator.
5 reviews
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Review of Quick Search

This is basically an enterprise solution tool in a smaller bite size. It gives you all the important data you could need for the last 13 months and you can easily compare and get insights into your competitors. I am thrilled that there is a solution for smaller businesses with smaller budgets that still needs robust data. Good job!

Ankita Choudhary
1 review
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It is the best free tool to monitor brand mentions. Talkwalker Alerts allows users to create extremely specific search queries for their brand names, taglines, competitors, industry keywords. It sends the most important online conversations and tweets to the inbox.
Tanvee Gupta
Demand Generation Lead, Talkwalker
2 reviews
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Review of Quick Search

Find content ideas, influencers, understand audiences and trends.

Ian Cleary
Founder of Razorsocial
2 reviews
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I've used Talkwalker Alerts for a long time. Great to see tracking for influencers included.

Albane Flamant ツ
Social media minded
3 reviews
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Review of Quick Search

Great for quick insights into any topics, super easy to navigate without any .
