We create conversational experiences for your favourite channel.
It simply feels right when you can make something happen just by saying it. You feel involved and understood.
That doesn’t happen when you navigate through a menu or fill out a form. That’s why we believe in conversational experiences.
JustDropYourResume is a modern Job Search engine. Consider it like Google for job search. Additionally, JustDropYourResume provides rating for your resume while finding the jobs matching your profile. Don't let your resume get unnoticed - JustDropYourResume
We have all been in a situation where you are considering changing jobs but you wonder whether your new role and employer will fit you. Usually only time will tell but PersonalityMatch allows you to check your personality for a fit. The way it works is simple: just copy over the description of the vacancy, a description of the organisation for which this vacancy is an open position and write something about yourself. When writing about yourself, be sincere and give a general description of yourself, you should explicitly not write it towards the vacancy or organisation - so don't write a motivation letter! The way PersonalityMatch works is that it will derive your personality from the text and will match it against the values and interests expressed by the organisation and in the vacancy. You can usually just copy these over from any LinkedIn job posting or similar.
EnneaApp is perfect for both the beginner who wants to type themselves and learn about the nine personality strategies, and the advanced Enneagram student who wants to deepen their knowledge and access Enneagram material on-the-go.