
Podcast discovery is better together
16 reviews

What is Repod?

Podcast discovery is better together. Join the community to discover, share, and organize your podcasts all in one place. Benefits: -Discover episode recommendations -Share your recommendations -Organize your podcasts Join for free on iOS & Android.

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5/5 based on 16 reviews
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T. Z. Borden
1 review
I joined REPOD as a podcaster a few months ago and my experience so far has been incredible. The developers actually use feedback and are always working to improve their app. It's thoughtfully designed with features that podcasters want and need. 5/5 stars from me.
The Digressor
1 review
I've been using Repod for almost a year now, and it's by far the best podcatcher I've ever used (and this includes Spotify and Stitcher). My website is currently down until further notice, so in the meantime since I can't share the episode links to my website, I just tweet the Repod link to the episodes. Even in the year I've been using the app, I've seen the number of features almost double. I'm legitimately impressed with what they'd done with it (and it was already an impressive app to begin with). I can't wait to see this app grow and what they do with it in the future.
Melissa Michelle Braden
1 review
Courtney Seitz
2 reviews
Steve Welty
1 review
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