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Piio was ranked at #2 Dev Tool for 2018
#2 Dev Tool Product of the Year
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What is Piio?
We help your webpage load faster by optimizing your images in real time and deliver them to your visitors at maximum speed.
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Piio media 2
Piio media 3
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Recent launches

Image Speed Test
⏱️ Get a full analysis of your website performance
📡 Monitor your website's metrics (monthly reports)
📲 Compare your results between Mobile and Desktop
💡 Get tips on how to move forward and optimize your website
🕵🏾‍♀️ Spy on your competitor's performance
Image Speed Test image

Piio automatically generates real-time responsive images for your website visitors and delivers them at maximum speed. (lazy loading feature included)

* Extremely easy setup like any other lazy loading library

* No need to change storage

* No need to use URL parameters

* No maintenance after integration

Piio image
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