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  • Peridot

    Inventing the future, with genetically unique AI pets
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    What do people think of Peridot?

    The community submitted 26 reviews to tell us what they like about Peridot, what Peridot can do better, and more.
    What do you think about Peridot?
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    5/5All time (26 reviews)
    Recently (1 review)
    26 Reviews
    Naomi Chao
    early tech enthusiast
    25 reviews
    This is my first time really trying out an AR product and I'll admit - I'm impressed. The design is superb and you can tell a lot of work went into making them both visually beautiful and technically brilliant (each "Dot" is genetically unique and learns as they grow). It feels like a Pixar character came to life. I only wish they prompted you to create an account asap, otherwise if you uninstall the app you lose your Dot. Happened to me once and now you can bet I'm never uninstalling it again. Lesson learned lol and rip my first Dot.
    Asim Ahmed
    So glad to hear you're enjoying the game, especially for your first try at an AR product. Would love to hear more of your feedback!
    Ray Wu
    Ray Wu
    Mayhem.gg, MagicBus, YC alum
    4 reviews
    Super unique game. Been beta testing and following for a couple of years. I love these Peridot creatures! Congrats team
    Ziah Fogel
    Thanks, Ray! Very excited for everyone to finally have their very own Peridots!
    Rigel Benton
    2 reviews
    Amazing work!
    raza a.
    raza a.
    1 review
    Insanely cute...
    Ziah Fogel
    Glad you agree - Peridots are the cutest! :)
    a geek
    1 review
    A very unique and interesting game!
    Ziah Fogel
    Thank you! We think it's quite unique - just like your Peridot!
    T J
    T J
    love my virtual pet already, excited to see whats to come
    Ziah Fogel
    Glad you're enjoying your time with your Peridot!
    Kyle Moncelle
    1 review
    Creative and adorable!
    Fangjia Li
    1 review
    A delightful game that brings the joy of having a pet to your mobile device. The game uses augmented reality to create an immersive experience where your pet appears to be in your real-world surroundings
    Ziah Fogel
    Thanks! It's pretty cool too see these cute little Dots in your real environments!
    Cole Lakes
    Director of Ops
    1 review
    Welp. I didn’t think I needed a third pet but I’m immediately and completely infatuated with my Dot. How did they make dots so adorable? Science and magic.
    Ziah Fogel
    It's definitely equal parts science and magic. Glad you're enjoying your third pet!
    my dot is the best dot
    Ziah Fogel
    Just like people's real pets!!!