Levels.fyi Negotiation Service - Get paid, not played.
We help you get paid more. Our team of experienced recruiters have helped hundreds evaluate & negotiate higher job offers.
How? Our recruiters know how pay at companies like Amazon, Google, Facebook, etc work from the inside and exactly how to ask for more.
Levels.fyi Internships - Find internships and salaries for 2021
PSA: 2021 Internship applications have started opening. College will be different this year. We’re here to help students use this opportunity to find meaningful Fall & Winter programs as an alternative. Use our list to apply and share with students!
Levels.fyi Salary Calculator - Visualize your pay growth and compare offers 📊
Want to negotiate more pay? Got a job offer?
Understanding your compensation is the first step in financial literacy and negotiating more. Visualize your compensation and simulate growth (ex. equity / stock increases) with our new tool.