Levels.fyi Negotiation Service - Get paid, not played.
We help you get paid more. Our team of experienced recruiters have helped hundreds evaluate & negotiate higher job offers.
How? Our recruiters know how pay at companies like Amazon, Google, Facebook, etc work from the inside and exactly how to ask for more.
Levels.fyi Internships - Find internships and salaries for 2021
PSA: 2021 Internship applications have started opening. College will be different this year. We’re here to help students use this opportunity to find meaningful Fall & Winter programs as an alternative. Use our list to apply and share with students!
Levels.fyi Salary Calculator - Visualize your pay growth and compare offers 📊
Want to negotiate more pay? Got a job offer?
Understanding your compensation is the first step in financial literacy and negotiating more. Visualize your compensation and simulate growth (ex. equity / stock increases) with our new tool.
Verified Salary Stream by Levels.fyi - Verified salary submissions delivered to your inbox weekly
The Levels.fyi Verified Salary Stream is a weekly digest of the latest verified salary submissions delivered right to your inbox. We maintain a tight rope on the quality of our data by requiring proof documents.
Levels.fyi - Compare career levels across software eng and other fields
Levels.fyi makes it easy to compare career ladder titles within a role (ex. ‘Senior Software Enineer)’, ‘Staff SWE’) and across companies (ex. Google vs. Facebook). Currently, we have Software Engineering, Product Management, and Investment Banking tracks. Let us know if you'd like to see a track added :)
Compensation Intelligence by Levels.fyi - Retain talent with the most accurate compensation data
Attract and retain talent with the most accurate crowdsourced tech compensation data at an unparalleled level of specificity. Levels.fyi is the only compensation data source that provides granular information giving you an edge over averaged surveys