LEON Playbook Library

LEON Playbook Library

Well-being and performance Playbooks for managers and HR
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What do people think of LEON Playbook Library?

The community submitted 62 reviews to tell us what they like about LEON Playbook Library, what LEON Playbook Library can do better, and more.
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62 Reviews
Tariq Esmail
Head of Sales
2 reviews
Huge fan of LEON - platform is a critical part of keeping teams performing at a high-level and happy doing it. Excited for where the platform is going too, a lot of potential in this space to help managers.
Can't give Leon and the team enough praise, made a Huge difference to improving mental for our students!
Dan Siepen


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Jeff Riseley
Improving Mental Health In Sales
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Review of LEON
I've just started using this tool with my clients who are primarily sales leaders and sales teams. It's an extremely effective tool that provides deep insight into the level of stress and burnout they are facing. More importantly, LEON uses this data to create custom tailored playbooks to help leaders, coaches and consultants like myself take meaningful action that supports the team and prevents burnout before it happens. Highly recommend to any leader or organization that is looking to achieve peak performance from their teams.
Nick Schedler
Co-Founder & CRO/COO of Chek.
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Review of LEON
What @bryan_smith5 & the team at LEON have done is a game changer! The journey of a startup is tough, so when it comes time to bringing on HUMANS to help you SCALE... GROW... take it to the NEXT LEVEL... LEON is THE SOLUTION! As a leader it is our duty to enable our team to do the job we are asking them to do! LEON doesn't just grandstand and say you should do this. They give you the tools & resources to actually get it done!
Abbey Johnson
Unapologetic Public Health Protégé
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Review of LEON
Let's go!!! As a Black Woman who navigated a White Corporate world for over 10 years, I so appreciate Leon! I'm cheering everything that's been said and I also add race to the conversation because I believe the topic cannot be ignored as we begin to have hard and sometimes uncomfortable conversations about the future of work. I appreciate that Leon tackles DEI with its Playbooks! Just got onboarded last week and I am amazed! I've never seen anything like Leon's platform. Let's work!
Megan Dolce
Founder/CEO of RIPE and Leadership Coach
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Review of LEON
LEON is going to and has already shaken a space that has been stale for way too long. Its "HUMAN BEFORE THE EMPLOYEE" approach is going to change organizational behaviors and shift businesses. I'm pumped to see it. Thanks for being a champion for change.
IPRO Australia
Using tech to stop burnout
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Review of LEON
The team behind the product are amazing and push their core messages throughout all platforms. This builds trust and connection to the key message "We will end burnout". The mission is HUGE and the need is NOW. Get it out there and start saving lives. @bryan_smith5 love the Platform with awesome UXP with simple flows, above expected features to communicate and deliver on. Bravo LEON
Vanessa Sisemore
Feel supported with your insurance
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Review of LEON
Firstly, this video is AMAZING!! Secondly, I LOVE how LEON is addressing things like employee happiness, culture and overall wellbeing of employees. This is incredibly needed in our society today and I as a manager myself, it's incredibly helpful to have a pulse on our employees!! Keep up the great work Leon!!
Alexa Eden
Speaker, Advocate, Energy Architect
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Review of LEON
LEON is NEXT level human development. Keeping our teams needs at the forefront of their tools and resources, sales managers and leaders are being provided the biggest gift when integrating LEON in to their team's efforts. Each playbook is intelligently tailored to maximize team performance, while also providing access to some of the leading coaches and thought leaders in the human development space. The platform itself is also quick, intuitive, and intelligent. Highly recommend!!!