LEON Playbook Library - Well-being and performance playbooks for managers and HR
Expert crafted, free well-being and performance playbooks to help managers reduce team burnout and improve performance. We've got Playbooks for team happiness, grit, resilience, alignment, driving asynchronous leadership, more efficient meetings and more!
LEON - The worlds first AI-powered employee performance platform.
If your unhappy and you know it...
85% of employees hate their job.
LEON is changing that with the first-ever AI-driven employee performance platform, built to super-power your employees.
Join the waitlist today and for the love of God, stop clapping!
LEON - The worlds first AI-powered employee performance platform.
If your unhappy and you know it...
85% of employees hate their job.
LEON is changing that with the first-ever AI-driven employee performance platform, built to super-power your employees.
Join the waitlist today and for the love of God, stop clapping!