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  • Hunted Space

    Hunted Space

    Insights on Product Hunt launches!
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    What do people think of Hunted Space?

    The community submitted 29 reviews to tell us what they like about Hunted Space, what Hunted Space can do better, and more.
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    5/5All time (29 reviews)
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    29 Reviews
    Anna Kasumova
    Co-founder & marketer at Ploito.com
    103 reviews
    I like this tool for getting insights on PH launches. I just have followed Sandra @sandradjajic in Twitter and get know about this product. My congratulation to your team. Wish you the best. I will definitely try your service. What about your monetization?
    Alex Szczurek
    Wow thank you so much Anna!
    Yuhang Xia

    Engineering at Zeabur

    4 reviews
    Going to use it for our hunt next weekend! Great product
    Cyril Reze
    Web Developer, Designer, Photographer
    15 reviews
    What to say about Hunted Space on Product Hunt website?... THIS IS THE MUST HAVE HERE!!! Any Product Hunt members should know and visit Hunted Space. If you don't, you're doing it wrong!
    Alex Szczurek
    Cyril!! thank you so much!
    Hugo Hamel
    Product Addict & Solution Creator
    12 reviews
    Hunted Space is really great! Been using it for all my previous launch since the data is more accurate than on Product Hunt. PH data is more generic, while Hunted Space allows me to have a better understanding of how the launch is going and how I could rank higher by comparing my results with the next 3 launches ranked above mine. Love Hunted Space and truly recommend it!
    Aw I am so happy to read this, thank you so much Hugo!
    David Gutiérrez
    I build products
    10 reviews
    Great products don't need many words: Hunted.Space is amazing. It's been my control tower for every PH launch. My favorite feature is being able to visualize your product's voting speed VS your competitor's voting speed. This gives you an idea of what to expect and coincidentally helps spot products that use bots. Great work Dan!
    I am super happy David! Thank you
    Lera Kuntsevich
    Lera the Creator
    1 review
    Congrats on the launch guys! I remember how during my ProductHunt launch, many people posted these beautiful charts, and every time I thought: "How can I make such a chart? What is this tool? Where did they get it? I want that too!" And that's how I found out about Hunted Space. The most useful thing if you plan to launch your product. I recommend!
    Alex Szczurek
    Wow thank you so much Lera!
    Nacho Franchini
    I like to build stuff
    26 reviews
    @dan_mindru @aliszu @sandradjajic to infinity and beyond indeed. You guys are a dream team. Whatever you put your hands into, it automatically becomes gold! Such an inspiration for the community :) Hunted Space has been bookmarked as a must-follow website ever since I started my Product Hunt path The dashboard is simple, straightforward, and super helpful. I wouldn't even consider doing a launch without it Congratulations and keep up the excellent work! Let's see how high this baby can fly... my bet is high enough!
    Greg Gilbert
    I make products and run companies.
    6 reviews
    Fantastic way to visualize Product Hunt launches! As usual with this maker, the design is extremely neat and playful.
    Thank you so much Greg!
    Content Strategist
    2 reviews
    We just launched our product and I have to say that Hunted Space is simply amazing! What a cool dashboard and such accurate data. Thank you SO MUCH for creating this tool. You've made life easy for so many teams launching on Product Hunt.