
A better way to build community online
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What do people think of Frond?

The community submitted 20 reviews to tell us what they like about Frond, what Frond can do better, and more.
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4.7/5All time (20 reviews)
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20 Reviews

Indie maker at Mobile Media Mania

21 reviews
It is impressively simple to use. A hobbyist without a tech background can still easily participate in a community on Frond. Yet, The features are elegant, lovely, & professional. It is appealing to attract all types of community backgrounds. Most importantly, Conversations are going to return to communities. We are going to be able to engage with members while still being able to find everyone. I'm looking forward to growing a vibrant group on Frond.
Jan Senderek
Thanks so much for the wonderful review, Lala! This means a lot to us!
Younes Talk Founder
5 reviews
I have been looking for a platform that hosts my digital community for a while, and I consider Frond the best solution. It is easy to use, and the groups in the community can be easily modified. I also tried uploading videos and found them to be uploaded smoothly and without problems, and it works with sound and image without a glitch. Although my internet speed is not super fast.
Julian Philipp Nagel
Building @Along
1 review
This is community building of the future!!
David Musselwhite
Community Builder
1 review
I love the concept and will be very helpful in my project. One thing I wish is that it would include the poll options like Loomio.
Jan Senderek
Thanks for the feedback, David! Polls are high up on our list for new features! Stay tuned!
Steven Roennfeldt
Business Owner, Steve the Bartender
4 reviews
Excellent features, open roadmap with awesome things to come and the team is super responsive and open to feedback. I highly recommend using Frond for a community.
Majid malihi
I`am a happy man
3 reviews
I like front becouse he is help me to coonect and generete new ideas
Mahesh Pansare

Engineering at Roche

4 reviews
Overall good
Really like the concept and how the community is managed, wish I can use this for my group chats & friend groups with e2ee or something for privacy. Also would love to have mobile, didn't find that anywhere on the site
Michael Kainz
3 reviews
Ich probiere es gerade noch aus, aber finde es wunderbar einfach und übersichichtlich!
Samuel Lake

Stocked AI

3 reviews