Eden AI

Seamlessly Merging the Top AI APIs into One
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Eden AI was a runner up for AI Infra in 2023
Runner Up • AI Infra Product of the Year
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What is Eden AI?
Integrate Eden AI in your product to: 💪 Increase Accuracy & Reduce Cost by choosing the right AI API for each AI task ☮️ Gain peace of mind with centralized usage restrictions & cost monitoring 🌐 Continually explore emerging AI capabilities in the market
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Provides cheap and accurate OCR API routes that are great at extracting text from images.
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AskYoda by Eden AI
🌟 With AskYoda, you can conquer the universe and train your chatbot on YOUR OWN data with OpenAI, Cohere, Anthropic, Google Cloud, AI21 Labs, and more LLMs to come! May the AI Force be with you 👾
Eden AI
Integrate Eden AI in your product to: 💪 Increase Accuracy & Reduce Cost by choosing the right AI API for each AI task ☮️ Gain peace of mind with centralized usage restrictions & cost monitoring 🌐 Continually explore emerging AI capabilities in the market