"A big part of Power Ups being possible is thanks to Cloudflare. Without their edge computing layer, and durable objects, Cloudflare made it a no-brainer to deploy our Power Ups on.
We tried rolling our own, and using lambda's, but Cloudflare just makes it too easy to not use."
"As a proxy, delivering speed with minimal latency is important to us. Cloudflare workers have been essential in our day-to-day operations to provide fast logging to customers across the globe."
"Cheap/free and rather powerful DNS/routing tools. Ubiquotous CDN. If Cloudflare goes down, so does the rest of the internet. Antiquoted is the least of your worries."
"the number of free APIs and services cloudflare offers is insane (and underrated). especially calls API, workers-AI and vectorize. i think they dont really spend on marketing, but once you see these tools and how simple and perfect they are you cant unsee it"