Helicone is the open-source platform for logging, monitoring, and debugging your AI applications. Free to start. 1-line integration to access usage tracking, LLM metrics, prompt management and more. See a list of integrations at docs.helicone.ai
"Helicone just works right out of the box – really helpful for us to dig into user issues and understanding how much money we're burning on LLM API calls. "
"I found Helicone in the middle of development, and it has been awesome. It gives me extremely useful and detailed insights on usage, costs, and response times, with just a couple of lines of code."
The LLM observability platform for monitoring, debugging and improving your AI apps. Helicone is an open-source observability platform that provides a 1-line integration to access cost tracking, agent tracing, prompt management and more - get started for free.