Oku is the companion app for your bookshelf. Track your reading, review & recommend books, create custom collections & follow your friends to receive their updates.
Afterword is a simple personal library that makes book tracking and sharing reads with friends easier. Afterword features an activity feed, a recommendations page, and the library page to track your own books and see your friend's profiles.
Stress less, know more with OneSub. Small, regular, balanced slices of global news written just for you. No ads. Not trackers. Just a safe, calm way to stay informed.
Diary is exactly what it sounds like. A digital diary. Simple, fast, and secure. Nothing should get in the way of expressing your thoughts, Diary aims to provide the best experience to do so.
This Notion template allows you to keep track of all the books you have read. - Write notes so you won't forget - Filter non-fiction & fiction - Key points - Quotes