

Keep track of the books you read and thoughts you have
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What is Candl?
Candl is a cool new web app that lets you organize your books and add notes and citations to them.
Candl media 2
Candl media 3
Multilingual Speech-to-Text API with Near-Human Accuracy

Recent launches

Candl Progressive
Candl is a reading tracker for book lovers, now available as a progressive web app. You can add books to your reading lists, personal goals, and notes. As a progressive web app, it can be installed on your phone, making it easy to track your readings.
Candl Book Tracker v2
Candl makes it easy for an avid reader to track and plan books, set read reading goals ("read 20 books this year"), and add private notes (reviews, citations, highlights, etc.).
Accompanied by mobile apps that let's add a book by scanning a barcode.
Candl Book Tracker v2 image
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