

Turn screenshots into beautiful social media images & posts
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What is BrandBird?
Create beautiful images for Twitter, Instagram, Dribbble, LinkedIn, and boost your social media views & engagement in seconds. BrandBird allows you to brand your accounts uniquely by creating templates, adding your brand colors, and your personal watermark!
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Free ATS by Dover
The best all-in-one ATS for startups. Simply recruiting now.
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Recent launches

Progressive Blur Generator
A free web app for adding ✨ progressive blur ✨ effects on your UI mockups, Dribbble shots, and images. It allows you to customize the blur intensity and the start position for the perfect composition.
Progressive Blur Generator image
Twitter Header Maker
The Twitter (X) header maker is a free tool for creating beautiful profile banner images for your Twitter account. Fully customizable tex, beautiful backgrounds, elements like arrows logos, chat effects, etc. and real Twitter profile preview.
Twitter Header Maker image
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