
Build app-to-app API workflows with automatic codegen
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The community submitted 31 reviews to tell us what they like about Autocode, what Autocode can do better, and more.
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31 Reviews
The site used to be good, but recently they started SERIOUSLY cutting down on what a free user can do. The limit of interaction a bot you make on their website has been cut down from 100k to 1k. Yes, a hundredfold. And then I was quite explicitly told they do not want me on the site because I don't pay them. So I left.
It's unclear if this is connected however the timing is perfect. I've been a customer for 5 months, paying autocode for a upgraded account and never went over the request limit for the free account so I downgraded. When doing so, the very first day somehow it went over it's request limit and they completely shut down my bot. I can't prove they're connected but between the timing and the fact I never had this issue before makes me wonder. I reached out to support and they said they really don't know what happened, they can only see what I can see.... Idk, it was great when I was paying for it but as soon as I decided to go with the free account things went down hill on the first day, fast.
Luke Wilden
1 review
Some reason these clowns think some 10x reduction services is fine to do.. I think the owner may have developed a crack addiction
Great! APIs are much easier with the autocomplete.
Alex Sopinka
Coder. Taco Lover.
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Review of Autocode
Very easy to use! I've been playing with some Stripe and Slack event hooks in beta for awhile. Happy to see this new polished IDE which makes it even easier, but still provides the flexibility to add your own custom code. The auto-complete in Autocode is a lifesaver. Looking forward to seeing more integrations!
Johannes Schickling
Co-founder of Prisma
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Review of Autocode 1.0
This looks amazing! It's basically what I wish Zapier would have been all along striking the perfect balance between No-Code and Low-Code. Can't wait to use it for some automations! Congrats on all the progress @keithwhor & team!
Brandon Pare
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Review of Autocode
Got to meet @keithwhor and see this live Maker.Dev in Toronto a couple weeks ago. While I am not a developer, I am just starting to get into nocode and this tool is awesome and pretty simple to use. This is more of a low-code tool however so if you have a basic understanding, you should be good to go and make some pretty cool stuff. Definitely something I plan on using more as I start to build some projects :)
Márk Szabadkai
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Review of Autocode
Hello Keith and team! Congrats on the great product! For non-coders this could get exponentially more useful as integrations are added. What do you think about people making a custom integration *public*, which then could be used by any other user? A kind of a public library or marketplace of integrations. Maybe with a "recommended" subset curated by the Autocode team. Cheers
Mike Shaver
father, CTO, hacker, investor
1 review
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Review of Autocode 1.0
You know how you get these ideas for a thing you could have a computer do for you if you just tied X to Y and triggered it every time Z? For me, that usually involves spending 80% of my time slinging tokens around and writing webhook boilerplate (or lambda/IAM/etc ceremony!) and 20% of my time -- if I get that far -- writing the logic to actually tell the computer how to help me, including fishing in a pile of docs for different API bindings and so forth. With Autocode you spend 10% of your time writing the core code that implements Your Clever Idea, and 90% of your time really glad that you didn't have to do the other 90% of the work! The API autocomplete makes the world of SAAS platforms feel like one coherent ecosystem, with help filling out those blobs of command JSON and chaining together your handling of responses. Hacking feels good again!
Mariam Yusuf
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Review of Autocode 1.0