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    Audio Bridge

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    What do people think of Audio Bridge?

    The community submitted 4 reviews to tell us what they like about Audio Bridge, what Audio Bridge can do better, and more.
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    3/5All time (1 review)
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    4 Reviews
    Betsy Walits
    No just no
    1 review
    Was my fave app for a year and turned all sorts of people into fans. But it STOPPED working and I’ve been advised ALL support is discontinued. Low blow.
    Chris Messina
    Chris Messina
    ⭐ Top reviewer
    🏆 #1 Hunter!
    63 reviews
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    Review of AudioBridge

    Extremely simple to set up and appears to "just work". Hopefully Apple won't break it with changes to the AirPlay protocol down the road!

    Kishore Bhargava
    Perpetual Learner, Confirmed Geek.
    8 reviews
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    Review of AudioBridge

    While I bought the product immediately, it is more to support the author to improve the product. I listen to my Sonos a lot but I don't necessarily keep my MacBook Pro on all the time. That dependency needs to go. I do hope this continues to work. Apple is quick to change protocols and kill interesting products like this.

    Ariel Falduto
    1 review
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    Review of AudioBridge