Adam Foot

Adam Foot

Tap or Swipe to Type Messages
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What is Adam Foot?
Typing messages on your Apple Watch can be chore - Scribble doesn't always work and Voice Dictation isn't great in public spaces. What’s wrong with using a traditional keyboard? By adding a full QWERTY or AZERTY keyboard to your Apple Watch, you can easily reply to your iMessages quickly and privately.
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Recent launches

When visiting landmarks around the world, save them with LandMarked!
Simply head to a landmark, and you’ll be able to look back and see when you visited there.
Compete with friends using Game Centre to see who can visit the most landmarks!
LandMarked image
Instructor - Track Learner Progress
The Instructor app provides driving instructors & students in the UK with a simple and easy-to-use interface for tracking driving progress in lessons.
Instructor - Track Learner Progress image
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