Launched on November 16th, 2020
I've used three different email marketing tools over the last few years, Mailchimp, Covertkit and Mailerlite. When I saw SS would be launching their own email marketing features, I was excited to test it out and use it on my site. There are some really great features so far, but it's really lacking some key things that I would need in order to fully make the transition to SS marketing away from Mailerlite:
1. Email automation. When my visitor subscribes to an email, I might want to send them a free downloadable PDF, or welcome them to the newsletter. Right now, there's no automation whatsoever
2. Searchable Lists. If I receive a bounce back from an email newsletter asking me to update their email address, I'd have to scroll through thousands of subscribers to find the email and update it. You can't even find people using control F.
3. Newsletter Templates. I want my emails to look the same for branding. Right now, you can only "copy" an email you've already sent out. You can't duplicate drafts or set a template up yourself.
4. Email Sequences. If I wanted to set up a drip campaign or an email ecourse, I wouldn't be able to do it on SS. This is one of the main reasons I won't be paying for the service until this feature is added. This is how I make my money from marketing and email newsletters.
I think there is a ton of potential with SS marketing, but it's going to need some upgrades before it replaces my current tools.
@Squarespace used its incredible design expertise to make emails looks good again