Jeff Needles

Squarespace Email Campaigns - Email, but pretty.

Stand out in any inbox with Squarespace Email Campaigns. Our all-in-one platform makes it easy to unify your brand voice—from your homepage to your emails.

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Tim Miller
Hey folks! I'm the PM on this project—the team & I are very excited to share this with all of you. Happy to answer any questions you might have!
Erin Falter
@gangstertim Will this integrate with other website partners such as Shopify?
Mars Negrette
@gangstertim Thanks! Beautifully designed mails, finally. It will work as a separate product/pricing sometime soon?
Tim Miller
@erinfalter Hi Erin! Not in the near future—this is a unique feature for Squarespace customers, and it takes advantage of that fact by letting you use website content in your campaigns. We wouldn't be able to have the same tight integration with other platforms!
Tim Miller
@marsnegrette At this time, it's priced as an add-on: you need a Squarespace website and can purchase this as a premium feature
Ryan Hoover
Shots fired at Mailchimp! This is a smart move. Every website should have a retention channel and email is the most universal. Makes sense to integrate it directly into the site itself. Funny enough, Mailchimp released their own website creator tools last year, moving into Squarespace’s direction.
Brandon Hyman
Great to see another tool focused on scalable and better email design. That said, I haven't seen many tools (even MailChimp) provide tools to help businesses understand how to send BETTER email. There are countless well-designed emails I've received from startups (sent via MailChimp) that are clearly sent by teams that have no clue about their audience or how to send effective emails. Proper personalization, cadence development, and opt-in practices are absent from these types of services. MailChimp did well earlier requiring double opt-ins, but I see implicit opt-in to all types of email campaigns just from signing up for an account or a specific product from a business. Would love to see squarespace try to tackle this as this product matures.
Tim Miller
@brandononearth I agree! There's lots of opportunity for us, both in terms of product UI as well as sharing the best practices we see in content marketing. We're looking forward to seeing how users use the platform, excel with the platform, and then taking those findings to help other users replicate that success.
Jeff Needles
Just saw this from one of their marketing emails! So hey, it works. Looks real nice and easy, can't wait to play with it. It also makes a TON of sense for them, really cannot believe they haven't done this before.
Nora Conrad

I've used three different email marketing tools over the last few years, Mailchimp, Covertkit and Mailerlite. When I saw SS would be launching their own email marketing features, I was excited to test it out and use it on my site. There are some really great features so far, but it's really lacking some key things that I would need in order to fully make the transition to SS marketing away from Mailerlite:

1. Email automation. When my visitor subscribes to an email, I might want to send them a free downloadable PDF, or welcome them to the newsletter. Right now, there's no automation whatsoever

2. Searchable Lists. If I receive a bounce back from an email newsletter asking me to update their email address, I'd have to scroll through thousands of subscribers to find the email and update it. You can't even find people using control F.

3. Newsletter Templates. I want my emails to look the same for branding. Right now, you can only "copy" an email you've already sent out. You can't duplicate drafts or set a template up yourself.

4. Email Sequences. If I wanted to set up a drip campaign or an email ecourse, I wouldn't be able to do it on SS. This is one of the main reasons I won't be paying for the service until this feature is added. This is how I make my money from marketing and email newsletters.

I think there is a ton of potential with SS marketing, but it's going to need some upgrades before it replaces my current tools.


Simple design that works flawlessly with your site


Needs serious feature upgrades before it is robust enough to use for a business

Nora Conrad
Thought of another feature - scheduling emails! I'd love to have drafts auto-send for a scheduled time and day.
Sarah Phipp
Really helpful review as I currently use Mailchimp with all the missing features from SS you mention. You've saved me a tonne of time trialling it myself :)
Helen Crozier
Keen for a Squarespace all in one solution but we are all spoilt now with automation/segmentation etc and customisable templates so will need to wait for those features. I hope they come soon!
Tim Miller
@helencrozier Hey Helen, thanks for your feedback! You're not the first person to mention automations and segmentation; know that your requests are well-received!
Puja Das
Keen to use this. Have created sites on Squarespace and it's all very neat. If the pricing fits and automation options available don't mind moving from Mailchimp.
Marcos Ortiz

@Squarespace used its incredible design expertise to make emails looks good again


Clean and beatiful design


Not at this time.

Marcos Ortiz
@Squarespace has used its incredible Design expertise and they have made Emails looks good again. Bold and great move @acasalena #EmailDesign
Nick Nish
This is a huge addition to their current offering, transactional emails, which if I remember correctly didn’t let you change much of the copy and styling at all. Huge boon for Squarespace users, and per usual it looks beautiful.
Anneliese Herbosa
Interesting. I wonder how (if at all) they will make it seamless/easy for users who already rely on another email campaign builder to port over their content management framework into this environment so as to not have to “start from scratch” 🤔
Nora Conrad
I've used three different email marketing tools over the last few years, Mailchimp, Convertkit and Mailerlite. When I saw SS would be launching their own email marketing features, I was excited to test it out and use it on my site. There are some really great features so far, but it's really lacking some key things that I would need in order to fully make the transition to SS marketing away from Mailerlite: 1. Email automation. When my visitor subscribes to an email, I might want to send them a free downloadable PDF, or welcome them to the newsletter. Right now, there's no automation whatsoever. 2. Searchable Lists. If I receive a bounce back from an email newsletter asking me to update their email address, I'd have to scroll through thousands of subscribers to find the email and update it. You can't even find people using control F. 3. Newsletter Templates. I want my emails to look the same for branding. Right now, you can only "copy" an email you've already sent out. You can't duplicate drafts or set a template up yourself to reuse. 4. Email Sequences. If I wanted to set up a drip campaign or an email ecourse, I wouldn't be able to do it on SS. This is one of the main reasons I won't be paying for the service until this feature is added. This is how I make my money from marketing and email newsletters. I think there is a ton of potential with SS marketing, but it's going to need some upgrades before it replaces my current tools.
Ras Omari

I'm not sure what the pricing is/will be but this could definitely replace Mailchimp for people who just need a simple email campaign.

If you need more (ie tagging, commerce) then this isn't for you.


Beautiful, easy to use


No advanced features