Polls API

Polls API

Fast & scalable API to make polls, quizzes, reactions & more
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What is Polls API?
Polls API provides you with a scalable way to add Polls, Quizzes, Feedback, Ratings & more to your website or application. Start for Free. 👉 50% OFF - PHLAUNCH50 ⚡️ Fast 🔐 Secure 📈 Scalable 🗺 Data Explorer 🧐 Well Documented 📺 Aesthetic Dashboard
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Multilingual Speech-to-Text API with Near-Human Accuracy

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Polls API
Polls API provides you with a scalable way to add Polls, Quizzes, Feedback, Ratings & more to your website or application. Start for Free.
👉 50% OFF - PHLAUNCH50
⚡️ Fast
🔐 Secure
📈 Scalable
🗺 Data Explorer
🧐 Well Documented
📺 Aesthetic Dashboard
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