Fat Llama is the trusted marketplace for buying, selling and renting. Lend and sell to earn more from your stuff. Borrow and buy to experience almost anything.
Really poor service, had to jump through a million hoops including a 10 minute phone interrogation as to what I was planning to do with the kit we were hoping to hire. Really invasive questioning, felt like I was being investigated by the Police. I understand the need to be thorough, but this went to a whole different level and it's not ok.
One star is generous. You can rent your things out and earn money, this is also environmentally friendly. So why do I dislike Fat Llama? Their customer services cause issues and they just don't care. Many messages were ignored and renters were left waiting while an issue caused by Fat Llama wasn't resolved by Fat Llama's staff. They take a big cut of the money and make you jump through lots of hoops too. I have no faith that I'd get any compensation if my equipment got broken. Just avoid.