Say goodbye to overwhelming design system kits. Core provides a streamlined, minimalist, and comprehensive starter kit for rock-solid design system projects.
Finally, a design system starter kit that's incredibly user-friendly, especially for those with minimal knowledge about design systems. I appreciate the well-structured documentation and the seamless process of creating the first component.
I really appreciate the minimalist approach of this kit, making it effortlessly accessible for anyone initiating their own design system project. The well-crafted documentation enhances the ease of getting started.
Congrats on the launch!
Its minimalist yet foundational approach gives designers the autonomy and flexibility they crave. No more sifting through endless components that don't quite fit or battling with unclear documentation🔥
The minimal approach of Core makes it easy to anyone new to design systems to understand the basics and create with great confidence solid and clean components.
Core Pro simplifies the design process with a minimalist starter kit and comprehensive documentation, putting us in control of our project's unique requirements. A game-changer for our projects!