It would be nice to partition books into read, want to read, etc. Also sharing functionality would be great.
I'm a big fan of Goodreads as a concept but the product itself is often confusing and frustrating. bookclub has a great potential to offer an alternative. I hope to see the product grow in features while keeping that simple aesthetic and UX, which is what frustrates me most about goodreads. Lots of good suggestions already in the reviews, I'm looking forward to seeing more form you guys!
Hi @jrdngonen !
Some suggestions :
1- Give directly focus on the input zone when adding new books. It's tiring to drag the mouse in again and again
2- Find some inventive way to add new books. Here are some suggestions :
*add books from previous platforms: Amazon reading list, Goodreads...
*make possible to choose tag about authors and categories and books should appear and you have just to check them with check button to add them all at once (add single book each time is tiring)
3-make possible to organize books by collections and each collection can be assigned to a knowledge tree. So people who have read a lot of books can easily guide newcomers to where to start and the path to go to become master in a domain.
4-add notes or badge to users whose collections or knowledge tree are shared the most and who respond to newcomers in the domains their knowledge trees are about. A system like Wikipedia or StackOverflow
*help the collection and knowledge trees owners demonstrate their expertise by making periodic quiz and challenges about their domains (you can guess by the kind of book they read)
5- Find a way to bring already successful authors (for eg: by creating a profile for them they can claim later) and make possible to people to interact with them by asking questions about their books
6- Business model suggestion: Use data about collections and knowledge trees accessed by users to advertise newly released books to a specific target.
7- Use renowned expert in some domain (eg: Bill Gates, Marc Zuck, Steve Blank, Sean Ellis...) create a profile for them and import their read books to apply when possible the above suggestions
8- a last but not urging thing to add: make possible to add a comment about a book and half-start for more specific notes about books
That's all for now. If I find something new, will edit and update this post
What better way to step up my book game than to publish my bookshelf on the internet for the world to see!