Mathias Mikkelsen

Timely - Automatic time tracking for freelancers and teams.

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Mathias Mikkelsen
Hey hunters! We’re thrilled to launch our brand new platform today; completely automatic time tracking. From who you email, to what places you’ve been to, how long you were on facebook or even where you drove your car. It can all be tracked automatically so you never have to think about tracking hours again, it all happens in the background. We’d love to hear what you think! :)
Ira Zayats
@matmik Looks impressive! All that's left is purchasing a Tesla so I can use that widget to the top left. On a more serious note, this is a great direction you guys decided to head in. Big level up.
Mathias Mikkelsen
@izayats hahah, this comment made my day! Thank you! :)
David Carpe
@matmik wait, there's no free tesla with the download?
Jon McCullough
@izayats You may not need to *buy* that Tesla soon. :)
Ahhh, this is nice! Been a happy user of Timely for some time now, but this is a brilliant new direction! Can't wait to use it!
Mathias Mikkelsen
@t55 thanks a bunch for the super-nice comment! :D Looking forward to hearing how it works for you.
Lucijan Kranjc
Been using Timely for 2 months and I'm interested in how the update will change my workflow. I loved the service the way it was, but the video seems like the current day view is added and improved with some extensions for hooking up other services. Will I be able to use Timely the way I used it before the update (manually tracking events in my work-day)? Anyway, good job on your service guys, will check the update now.
Lucijan Kranjc
I've encountered a problem: I use more than one email account for my work, and I can only enable one at the connecting screen. EDIT: I found the button to add another account (could be more visible) but it doesn't work for me (nothing happens on click). Using the Mac app. Also, I was hoping for a redesign of the timer button (stop/start tracking) but I see it remained the same. I think you could do a better job here, not sure if all users do this but I click on this thing a lot :)
Marius Ørvik
@loutseau Yes, absolutely! It's totally optional whether you want to use 'the old way' or the automatic time tracking features. Thanks for the comment :-).
Marius Ørvik
@loutseau You can connect more e-mail accounts (I'm assuming you use gmail) from this link: Regarding the timer design, what do you miss / don't like about it? :-)
Lucijan Kranjc
@orvik I guess I would like it more as a button. Clickable area is currently small and text indication (start tracking/stop tracking or similar) would be a better visual indicator of the status (along with more minimal icons). I find myself focusing on this element and trying to figure out weather it's on or off too often. Usually when I have other stuff on mind, and so it got annoying to me in the past 2 months of use. @orvik also thanks for the link, it works this way. Check your mac app, it doesn't open the popup it should (i guess).
Jon McCullough
This looks absolutely brilliant. Until now it hasn't felt like someone is properly attacking the problem of time tracking. I love the flexibility of widget choices - personally I live my days in Asana, so great to see that made the cut. :) This is the perfect match for the freelancer/remote worker/agency triple life I lead. Nice work!
Sander Visser
I have been using Timely on and off for the past months. It's always been a great app when I needed it. Exactly yesterday I realised that I hadn't used Timely for a few weeks and had no idea how much time I spent on some projects. This automated time tracking should be able to prevent that from happening again. Great work guys! I'm off setting up some integrations 🎉
Mathias Mikkelsen
@fishsander Whoop, whoop! Glad to hear that! :)
Chris Smith
@matmik Will the new integration with RescueTime work with their RescueTime Lite, or is the Premium subscription required for integration? Thanks!
Marius Ørvik
@bfchriss @matmik It works with the free version of RescueTime :-)
Sean Percival
So cool and great job team. I can't wait to be tracking my Tesla data if they ever deliver my 3 :)
Marius Ørvik
@percival You haven't gotten your 3 yet? We obviously have ;)
Jason Shultz
Any chance of this coming to Android?
Marius Ørvik
@thehashrocket Yes, absolutely! We're working on that next!
Nichlas W. Andersen
Yey! Nice to see you up here! I’ve been using Timely for a long time and I really love it, can’t wait to test this new feature out. Thank you, and congrats!!
Angel Botto
OMFG awesome feature!!
Amy Watanabe
@vozconciente Four words: AUTOMATION FOR THE WIN! :D
Edward Pakpahan
Question. Do we need to install the apps we have integrated as well? For instance, I have integrated Wakatime and Resquetime, and I am not sure if I should install them both to my pc as well to get the data.
Marius Ørvik
@edwardpakpahan Yes, you need to install both apps in order to get the data :-)
Alan Hamlett
@edwardpakpahan to get data from WakaTime you would need to install at least one text editor plugin first:
Jay Scott
That is sexy! Great demo video.
Amy Watanabe
@entrepreter 🔥🔥🔥
Emmanuel A. Simon
Love Timely (for quite some time)... looking forward to using this feature. keep up the great work.
Mathias Mikkelsen
@uelsimon Thanks Emmanuel, really appreciate the loyalty and love :)
Edward Pakpahan
I have been using Timely app for ages!!!! The only app (I think) that still counts the time even when my computer is locked because I leave it away too long for a meeting in the meeting room for example. It is very crucial for weekly report where sometimes you just simply can't remember how long you work on some particular stuff. Thank you for this. You're brilliant.
Chris Smith
I've been using Timely for at least a year. It's a terrific platform with website logging, desktop web app, and iOS apps. The synching between all these has been working smoothly since early this year. I'm quite excited to see the new integrations which will allow automatic tracking. (Wow, having a Tesla would be sweet if you have to drive to meetings!)
Dylan Langlois
I've been using Timely for years in my freelancing. Always recommend it when it comes to tracking and managing time. Big productivity saver, even more so with these new innovations. Great work!
Marius Ørvik
@dylanbrendan Thanks for recommending us :-). Glad you enjoy using Timely!
Adrian Rubin
We work with a lot free lancers and this would be a great app for us.
Wow, such a great team and product! True hustle :D
Amy Watanabe
@aurorakb Thanks! Everyday we hustlin'! Hustlin' hustlin'! ;)
Julien Le Nestour
Any plans to have a Zapier integration? I'm automating a lot of things regarding time tracking through Zapier so lack of it is a deal breaker for me though I'd love to try Timely!
Marius Ørvik
@jnestour Yes! We have one in beta now, you can check it out here: Please let us know if it works, and if we need to change it somehow!
Braunson Yager
Very cool but no Windows support yet :\ I'll be back in a year+
Marius Ørvik
@braunshizzle Windows app is ready, we're just fixing a certificate so we can digitally sign it. Should be out in the next week or so :)
Christian Wurditsch
The service is ok but there are alternative solution with a better feature/cost fit. For me it was expensive before the price increase. What really triggers my Non-recommendation was that the cancellation process is combined with a survey that can lead to misinterpretation - you think that you have canceled your subscription as you hit submit but actually a step was missing. This is not transparent und misleading