Mobile Chat Kit - UI kits & sample apps for building in-app mobile chat
Stream’s UI + SDKs for in-app chat allow you to build a beautiful and scalable chat experience in hours. 50+ handcrafted screens for Figma & Sketch. UI components for Flutter, React Native, Kotlin & Swift. Free maker accounts available for side projects.
Stream Chat - Build, code and ship in app messaging in a few hours
A beautiful UI Kit, easy to use React/RN/iOS/Android Components and powerful API. Build any type of Chat or Messaging experience in a matter of hours. The tech uses Go, RocksDB and Raft. Stream powers chat and activity feeds for more than 500 million users.
Virtual Event Chat Kit - UI kit & sample app for building in-app virtual event chat
100+ polished screens coalesce into mapped-out flows so you and your team can jump into Figma and create your own custom event chat faster than ever. The sample app shows Stream's chat API, also free for personal use and small projects, powering the backend.
Activity Feed UI Kit React Native - Add activity feeds to your app in 10 lines of code
Easy to use UI components with built-in support for Open Graph scraping, #hashtags, @mentions, likes, comments, file uploads and realtime; empowering you to quickly launch engaging activity feeds and notification feeds with React Native and Stream. Plain JS, React, iOS and Android versions of this kit will follow shortly.