Dharmesh Shah

Stream 2.0 - API for building, scaling and personalizing feeds

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Joost Schuur
@tommasobarbugli @tschellenbach This sounds great! I had a quick peruse through the docs, but I'm not sure I found an answer: Since it's billed as an API, to what extent does this come with sample UI (and perhaps client side code to load the content) for a web context?
@joostschuur @tommasobarbugli at the moment we don't provide any UI. We do have quick extensive example apps and tutorials available such as http://cabin.getstream.io or the examples listed here https://getstream.io/docs/#examp... It's a good idea though. We should have a small widget to embed a feed in a page.
Erik August Johnson
@joostschuur @tommasobarbugli @tschellenbach Getting a lot of requests for a UI kit - it's on the list now :)
Joost Schuur
@8ej3 @tommasobarbugli @tschellenbach Sweet, good to hear! I actually tweeted about Cabin the other day and completely didn't make the connection with you guys today. Ooops!
Hi, I'm one of the makers at Stream. Our team has been working on feed technology for quite some time. It all started with Stream-Framework (the most widely used open source feed technology): https://github.com/tschellenbach... This 5m tutorial shows you just how easy to use getstream.io is: https://getstream.io/get_started/
Taylor Otwell
@tschellenbach pretty slick! How would you recommend for example searching for a given word within the feeds of all the people I "follow"?
M. Gresham
@tschellenbach on your features page under analytics I noticed a typo, it says "outdate feeds" and should be "outdated"
@memyselfandm thx for spotting it! fix will go live soon.
PS. Anybody noticed the beautiful cat images on our homepage? Or was it too subtle?
Nishant Gupta
This is super cool. I will recommend it to some of my friends working on differnt social mobile apps. They have good use cases to use activitystrea. I liked how we can use flat, aggregated, notification and ranked feed. Analytics and personalization are icing on the cake. Good job
@nishant_k_gupta thanks! glad you like it.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
It's amazing to see the work that many of us started years ago with the Activity Streams project continues to be felt!
@chrismessina thanks! the spec was really helpful both for the hosted getstream.io as well as the open source stream-framework (https://github.com/tschellenbach...)
Mitchel Kelonye
Powering http://drizl.co .. looking good so far!
Joshua Tilton
@kelonye Thank you for sharing!
Milos Pesic
Is it possible to have 'private'/'group'/multiple news feeds? For example to have separate news feed per private group/community inside the app?
@povverslave yes, that's actually pretty common. Simply write to multiple feeds at once using the TO field. https://getstream.io/docs/#targe...
Andrew Wooldridge
I really like the interactive tutorial.
Jeremy Burns
We started using GetStream a few months ago to help deliver personalised and popular feeds for our sports social network. It solved a pretty complex technical issue with a pretty simple deployment and migration, saving us bunches of time. Now we simply forget the streaming because it just...works! It's fast too, making our product better. Over and above all of the technical goodies they are super cool people. Very clever, very honest and super responsive when we need help. It's all thumbs up over here.
@jeremy_burns thanks Jeremy! always great to work with the team at Sportlobster.
Ryan Stubbs
This looks useful! Was just about to implement this sort of activity feed into a project - just signed up and will hopefully save time! Just wondered - how did Stream come about?
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