Used a few times and very impressed with the results.
We don't use Photoshop anymore and now use Affinity products so a version for those apps would be super awesome.
Saves so much time!
None really, except we need a version for Affinity Photo, please.
Hi there, hunters & makers and thanks for hunting, @__tosh !
Today we are launching for Adobe Photoshop! If you are working in web design, print design or photography chances are that Photoshop is an integral part of your workflow. It has never been easier to get rid of the background of an image automatically than with , and with our new Photoshop extension we're making it even easier for Photoshop users.
* Remove the background from the whole image or just a selection
* Get a new layer with a layer mask, that allows for easy corrections
* Works completely automatically and with your existing account
Give it a try for free and let us know what you think. If you have any questions, we're here to help!
I'm desing and photographer! I already have this system installed in my photoshop and on the pc too, but every time I use it it asks for a serial number or key to release. How do I buy the release without having to pay monthly or by quantity? I want value that is released free to be able to use in my work of editing of funds! How much does the plug cost? Please help me this will make my job much easier. I await return, PARABENS SAME PLUG.
my email:
I await your return
Thank you
@designmatty At the moment we only support photos of persons and products (see but we will introduce support for additional foreground types, including animals, in the future!
I’ve tried the online version and it really is fine work. Thanks! Question: like the one online, are foreground objects restricted to human figures, or does this plugin also detect non-human foreground figures? Either way, again, great.
Looks awesome. I will probably sign up after trying it out. If it works well it will save me a lot of time. You really should post a link here and on the website to where to find the plugin and some instructions!
I cannot install it for the life of me. I've got my PS up to date, it says "Extension acquired" but I don't see it on my Window - Extensions - Remove Background
Just tried. Works fantastic if you don't need to make any changes. Awesome. However, if you need to edit something missed, then hit save, nothing saves and your edits are lost without you being able to download the edited version. I tried this on a Mac desktop.
FYI Just noticed that after you hit save, it downloads automatically to your desktop without any notice. But you do get the edits within the download. Yes!
This is a great app which I find very useful and have used when it first launched. It's great to see the editing features introduced. This is something that I had suggested earlier.
Very easy to use and helpful app. It's great to see improvements and new features added.
None that I can think of. When I used this app earlier, I had made some suggestions which have now been implemented...thanks!
Awesome tool, very impressive and it works better than any other background remover I've tried.
But keep in mind the free version limits the saved file size to .25M, that's roughly 400 x 600 pixels, probably only usable for web thumbnails, not for larger images or print.
Generate QR Codes
Used a few times and very impressed with the results. We don't use Photoshop anymore and now use Affinity products so a version for those apps would be super awesome.
Pros:Saves so much time!
Cons:None really, except we need a version for Affinity Photo, please.
My new go-to
Pros:It works better than any product I have used to date. Cleans out the background really well.
Cons:Editing of background should allow for re-positioning of new background and or resizing.
Didn't think it would work on the photo I picked but did perfectly. Very cool. Adobe should buy this ;)
Pros:Just tried it on "crazy hair" keyword from unsplash. Worked really well. Very impressed this would save a lot of time.
Cons:Really kind of confusing pricing structure.
I tried it with some really tough ones and it did incredibly well.
Pros:This works magically well. Even without any guidance from the user.
Cons:None really.
Money View
This is a great app which I find very useful and have used when it first launched. It's great to see the editing features introduced. This is something that I had suggested earlier.
Pros:Very easy to use and helpful app. It's great to see improvements and new features added.
Cons:None that I can think of. When I used this app earlier, I had made some suggestions which have now been implemented...thanks!