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  • Your top three advice for a maker launching on ProductHunt?

    Pranali Lakhalani
    24 replies
    Everyone's a mentor with some wisdom to share. Let's hear your golden rules for a successful product launch!


    Agree with all the great points! I'll just add that to prep for the Product Hunt launch, we did a few smaller launches to get a sense for the kind of the product that would resonate with our ideal audience. In fact, we're launching today :D so feel free to check us out!
    Axel Borry
    @jesika_haria upvoted good luck on the launch
    Prep 4-6 weeks ahead of launch. Build a list of allies to amplify your launch. Be an active contributor on the community.
    Daniel Zaitzow
    @thisismeihere do you feel 4-6 weeks is ample time?
    Axel Borry
    @thisismeihere Only Product Hunt community is enough?
    @nickyborry You should build a list of communities/launchpads to focus on including Slack, Telegram or Discord communities.
    Axel Borry
    @thisismeihere Ah thanks :) I didn't think about Telegram. Do you have good communities in your mind
    Michael Scheiwiller
    Launching soon!
    @thisismeihere ok, i definitely messed up this one...
    Product Hunt have one of the most engaged and supportive communities. Interact with them daily by commenting on disscusions, creating your own discussions, by testing and supporting other makers products and launches. They will return the favour 🙂 Also, create a buzz before your launch by teasing it on other social media platforms, engage with potential users, share your journey of building the product and support other makers as well.
    Ekrem Çetinkaya
    @sandradjajic Listen to Sandra. She knows the deal :)
    Udayraj Parmar
    @sandradjajic hey sandra glad to see 👀 here and thanks for the Twitter favor.
    Daniel Zaitzow
    @sandradjajic Great advice!
    Dávid Sipos
    My top three pieces of advice: - Get Your Ducks in a Row: Don't just wing it. Make sure you've got all your cool visuals, a slick demo, and a good handle on how ProductHunt rolls before you hit that launch button. - Be a Social Butterfly: Don't just post and ghost. Stick around to chat with folks who comment or ask questions about your product. It's a great way to make a good impression and maybe snag a few extra upvotes. - Spread the Word: Don't just rely on folks stumbling upon your product on ProductHunt. Blast it out on your social media, to your email list, wherever you can. The more eyes on your page, the better!
    Michael Scheiwiller
    Launching soon!
    @david_sipos be a social butterfly is one of the most genuine descriptions about not to ghost i have ever heared! :D
    Make sure your product has a perfect window (day) of launch. Another great product getting released the same day can hurt yours. Stay engaged on PH every day, at least three or two months before the launch. If you have an audience outside PH, bring them into PH a few months ago and ask them to be active.
    Deluar Hosain
    Launching on ProductHunt can be challenging and competitive, as there are hundreds of products being hunted every day. To stand out from the crowd and get the most out of your launch, you need to prepare well and follow some best practices. Therefore, here are my top three pieces of advice for a maker launching on ProductHunt: • Prepare your listing carefully. Your listing is the first impression that your product makes on the ProductHunt community, so you need to make it as appealing and informative as possible. You should choose a catchy and descriptive tagline that summarizes your main benefit and differentiator. You should also use a GIF or a video for your thumbnail that shows your product in action. You should write a compelling description that explains what your product does, how it works, and why it's valuable. You should also add relevant topics, links, and media to your listing to provide more context and details about your product. • Engage with the ProductHunt community. ProductHunt is not just a platform to showcase your product, but also a community of makers, enthusiasts, investors, journalists, and potential users. You should interact with them before, during, and after your launch. You should join relevant discussions, upvote and comment on other products, and build relationships with influential hunters and makers. You should also respond to every comment and feedback on your product page, thank them for their support, answer their questions, and ask for their suggestions. You should also leverage your existing network and social media channels to spread the word about your launch and drive more traffic and votes to your product page. • Offer exclusive deals or incentives. One way to attract more attention and interest to your product is to offer exclusive deals or incentives to the ProductHunt community. You can offer discounts, free trials, lifetime access, extra features, or other perks to entice people to try your product and become your customers. You can also run contests or giveaways to reward people for sharing or referring your product to others. You should make sure that your deals or incentives are clear, valuable, and easy to claim. These are some of the tips that I think can help you launch successfully on ProductHunt. I hope you will find them useful and apply them to your launch.
    Shaur ul Asar
    Shortly, Engage with the Community :) Product Hunt is all about community engagement. Be active in the comments section, respond to questions, and show genuine interest in other makers' products. Building relationships and providing value to others can go a long way in generating buzz and support for your launch.
    Dexter Awoyemi
    To my past self: - Block out launch day. - Before launching, build many connections as early as possible. - Launch. Don't wait too long!
    Elissa Craig
    Engage with the Product Hunt community. I am fairly new to the platform but have made so many connections and garnered new follows for my company/upcoming product that I would not have otherwise. Hunters are incredibly social and eager to help.