Your Design Style

Bhhavesh Desalhey
8 replies
What is your approach and preferences to design considering the user experience.


Kevin Martinez
I'm a big fan of clean, minimalist design that puts the user experience first. Lots of white space, intuitive navigation, and fast load times are key. I also like subtle animations and microinteractions to delight users. Tools like Figma make iterating on designs super quick. The key is lots of user testing to refine and improve the UX.
Mayur Patel
My UX design approach involves user research, defining goals, creating prototypes, usability testing, and continuous improvement through feedback. This ensures the design is user-centered and effective.
When in doubt, go for minimal design style. But, I would not suggest anything to be followed strictly. Because for different industries, audience types, purposes, geographies, different design styles would work.
Bhhavesh Desalhey
@vertikanigam Yes that's true, all of these research things need to be considered before coming up with some assumptions and conclusions.
Muzammil Merchant
I prefer minimalistic design for B2C products and websites. When you are trying to sell something through your product, it helps the viewer consume only the information they are looking for. For products or websites that want to express information about themselves, an elaborate design always helps people stay and carefully go through everything they have to offer.
Bhhavesh Desalhey
@muzammil_22 Thanks, this almost solve everyone's problem with this, helping to get some clarity and where to start from.
Thomas Hansen
My design style leans towards minimalism with a focus on functionality. Clean lines, ample white space, and intuitive navigation are key elements.