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  • Your company doesn't need more improvement if the basics are satisfied. It needs more marketing!

    Mr Rabbar
    5 replies
    Sometimes, focusing on the basics can be the foundation for success. But once those are solid, a strategic marketing boost can take your company to new heights! Tell me about your projects below! 👇 I will take the first 2 and provide free consulting and marketing guidelines for free!


    Tanay from Stacks
    Sticky - Your notes in the browser
    Sticky - Your notes in the browser
    Make sure your product has that 'sticky' factor, you know? The only way to figure it out is to build something, share it with folks, build another version, and keep sharing. When you see people using your product regularly, that's your cue – you've got yourself a retainer. Now, take it out into the world and start spreading the word! Many people focus on acquisition before retainer, it will fail and it will cost you. Many people focus only on the product, not on acquisition, they fail too. Find your balance. We are building Stacks - a search engine for your bookmarks. https://www.producthunt.com/post... Stacks solves the problem of lost bookmarks. Most of us save links, posts, and bookmarks all the time. However, we almost never search through them because the search isn't that effective or convenient. This inspired us to build something better - Stacks.
    Mr Rabbar
    @tanaylakhani I concur with your perspective, and your product shows promise. I frequently find myself in the predicament of searching through all my social media platforms to locate saved posts. 😅 I'm genuinely interested in collaborating on your product
    Tanay from Stacks
    Sticky - Your notes in the browser
    Sticky - Your notes in the browser
    @rabbar Looking forward to it, you can find my calendly link on my profile as well as my social accounts.
    Joana PFA
    Strategy-First AI
    And that is where most get stuck.
    Mr Rabbar
    @strategyfirstai build a product is easy the difficult part is the customers acquisition because is a long long term work!