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  • Would you step aside from a C-level role in your startup if there’s a better fit for the role?

    Elizabeth Tishchenko
    18 replies


    Amy Williams
    Yeah, if it's for the betterment of the company, why not? Egos shouldn't hinder progress.
    Elizabeth Tishchenko
    @amywillpower Well said. After all its importasnt to ask yourself why you built your startup. If it's more about fulfiling its mission nothing should be an obstacle. In some cases though your ambition might me different, like personal growth or you feel the person who might be replacing you won't be as passionate as you.
    Ailsa Williamson
    Being a visionary leader means prioritizing the success of the startup over personal ambitions. If a better fit emerges for a C-level role, embracing the opportunity demonstrates humility and dedication to the long-term growth of the company.
    Elizabeth Tishchenko
    @ailsa_williamson Can't agree more! Glad to hear founders would prioritize success.
    Nick Anisimov
    Of course, the result of a startup is much more important than the position of the founder.
    Elizabeth Tishchenko
    @nickanisimov Well said. If you truly believe in the mission you would want it inevitably to succeed it. Not many would actually do that.
    André J
    inevitably you must replace your self. Founders are great at founding, doesn't always translate to running the place later. 😸
    Elizabeth Tishchenko
    @sentry_co That's true. There are highly limited amount of individuals who are equally good starting a startup and be equaly good running well-established company. Its importasnt to understand your strength and weaknesses and let it go when required.
    André J
    @nevemind_com I hear Gemini's are good at that 😏 what star-sign are you?
    Yep. Anytime. But only when there's someone better, someone deserving. After all, the greater good, in this case, the startup is more important than anyone.
    Elizabeth Tishchenko
    @senthil99nathan ofc, you wouldn't just step out to give it to somebody to destroy years of your work and effort without a good reasoning.
    Divine Rivers
    OO long-term question for founders who launches the first half of our marketplace come July 17th. I would indeed, I am passionate about what we are on a mission to solve, and therefore if I felt like there was someone better equipped to help us achieve that mission, I sure would.
    Divine Rivers
    @nevemind_com Yes, we are too excited too let that get in the way. Extra excited today as we just launched Careering - The Marketplace for Everyday Professionals to supplement their Salary today for sign-ups. Check it out at TheCareering.com My Co-Founder and I are looking for candid feedback from other Founders and builders as we are first-time Founders. Would love to hear your thoughts on everything from design, flow, idea, our solution, problem, and Marketing. Learn More Info at producthunt.com/discussions/we-just-launched-and-careering-is-now-live-looking-for-all-the-feedback-we-can-get-thanks
    Elizabeth Tishchenko
    @divine_rivers1 great you are mission-driven. You will go far with this mentality!
    Elizabeth Tishchenko
    @aristo_coutinho Anything would impact you deciding to stay? Curious to hear your decisive factors impacting you to stay vs step out.