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  • Would you rather choose: Simplicity or Customization?

    Alisha Widianti
    36 replies
    When it comes to productivity tools, do you prefer tools that are highly customizable, or do you value simplicity more? Sound off in this discussion below! I would love to hear more of your thoughts 🥳


    Vincent Greco
    Multi Find: Search, Highlight, Explore
    Multi Find: Search, Highlight, Explore
    I had to solve this dilemma with my own product, a highlighting extension. Although I was initially aiming to simplicity, each time I was adding a feature, the user interface got more and more complex. I ended up with a (too) highly customizable interface: after choosing the settings, the user can add or remove nearly any element of the interface, only keeping those one related to the parameters that are likely to change, depending on their habits. My feeling is that making a simple interface (à la Apple) implies that you make choices on behalf of your customers. And you must be very clever to do the right choices and still satisfy the larger number of people. But if like me, you are not brave enough or simply not experimented enough to do so with confidence, just let this choice to the end user. And try to make the customization interface as simple as possible to come to a full circle!
    Shivangi Awasthi
    Simplicity. I feel Tech/product/ anything a human builds should make process and life easier. Even if it includes customization on the user's end. :)
    Jake Harrison
     Free Essay Checker AI
    Free Essay Checker AI
    Great question! Personally, I believe that a balance between simplicity and customization is key when it comes to productivity tools. While highly customizable tools can offer a lot of flexibility, they can also be overwhelming and time-consuming to set up. On the other hand, overly simplistic tools may not have all the features and capabilities that I need to be productive.
    Viktoriia Namozova
    NeatNook: Maintenance&Cleaning Schedule
    NeatNook: Maintenance&Cleaning Schedule
    @jakeharr I agree! A good productivity tool should be easy to use and not too tricky to understand. But it should also let you customize it to how you work. That way, it can be helpful for lots of people with different needs at different times in their lives.
    Shivam Garg
    I believe customization is essential, as it fosters a sense of attachment to the product. When users can personalize it to their preferences, it becomes more of their own. Many prominent brands understand this and aim to make users feel that the product or software can become their favorite place, all while maintaining simplicity. Take the example of the Chrome browser; it's straightforward, yet Google offers the feature to customize themes.
    Alisha Widianti
    @meshivamgarg Wow, that's a great point, Shivam! Thank you for sharing with us 😁 I definitely agree that customization and personalization make a product more of your own - I mean who knows, maybe customization is what's needed to generate power users for your product!
    Hemalatha Rajendran
    I prefer a highly customized tool because it helps me do my work seamlessly. However, at the same time I want it to be a user-friendly platform. Since simplicity is a part of user-friendliness it is essential to design a customizable tool while keeping user-friendliness in mind.
    Namrata Dutta
    Simplicity, anytime! I value products which are simple and yet high quality.
    Chris Lindner
    Prefer customization to have more fun and get the feeling of ownership.
    Daniel Hunt
    I want to customize the tools exactly as I like; but I want everything else about them to be as simple as possible 😉 It's tough because I really really value simplicity but the real world is often too messy to fit within neat lines. Definitely start simple and then only add the complexity that people are demanding though!
    Yavuz Tunc Emran
    Tamly: Automate B2B Sales Outreach
    Tamly: Automate B2B Sales Outreach
    I prioritize productivity tools that find a balance between customization and simplicity, guaranteeing efficiency without unnecessary complexity. This ensures that efficiency is achieved without introducing unwarranted complications into the workflow, which is crucial in running a successful business.
    Nick Anisimov
    Definitely depends on the product. Simplicity is good for one product, but for another, it will be a failure. It's the same with customization.
    Hrithik Kaul
    I'm in the same situation for my product. I think how I'm going to go ahead is that the core roduct would be extremely simple, however if you need customisation, you'll have to install add-on plugins.
    Alisha Widianti
    @hrithik_kaul1 That's a tricky part because we all know how add-on plugins, at least for the software products, usually come at an additional cost 🥲
    Dennis Aronov
    Why can't we have both? I would say that the standard is simple but you can customize it to be as simple or complex as you'd like. If I had to choose one, it would depend on the product.
    Anjanay Saxena
    Depends upon the final user if you are viewing from the lens of the PM. Simplicity is always better for the masses. Customisation is the way to go for the power users of the product.
    Alisha Widianti
    @anjanay_saxena Excellent point! I like how you differentiated between the two depending on your users. We all know how important it is also to meet the needs of our power users 😄
    Darya Antonyuk
    Simplicity for sure. Of course, I'd love to have some level of customization, but if the app meets my needs and requirements while being super simple, I'll be really happy
    William Willey
    Customization because it allows me to fix problems that the manufacturer has not addressed.
    Daniel Burns
    Great question, been stuck with it for a while now! However, what I've realized is that there are so many customization options out there that we should now aim for simple ones, particularly for productivity tools. Their main focus lies in making you feel more productive, right? But to achieve that, in my opinion, would be firstly by decluttering and easing up the processes. And by giving a user more options, it would have a reverse effect.
    Alisha Widianti
    @testifi Wow, that's a really great insight! Thank you so much for sharing 😄 I definitely can't count how many productivity tools have customization options there are right now in the market!
    Daniela Uemura
    I would prefer simplicity.
    Alexandru Muresan
    Simplicity for me. For example even when we built Charge, we thought how can we not change anyone's behavior and make life easier for everyone.