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  • Would you rather be working a 9-5 job or building your own product?

    Kevin Hinh
    8 replies
    I'm sure for many people here the answer to this question is a no-brainer. However, my decision to turn toward entrepreneurship and building a product was actually due to my failure to land a tech job. Sometimes I feel regret but at the end of the day, coding away and building cool stuff is what I enjoy. Curious to hear everyone's thoughts.


    Having an idea in which you believe and some financial sources that can cover your daily life expanses - is enough big base for a creator to chose own product. Giving a life to an idea is worth scarifying 9-5 schedule for more hours. But then, if your 9-5 job is providing you professional and personal development that is in line with your ideas, ideology and path - following ''I must have own business'' (not rare) social pressure can be really nonsense.. Personally I would chose both, but just because they are not belonging to the same field, otherwise that would be too much πŸ˜„
    Nuno Reis
    I'm currently building uptiq with my cofounder, so I chose the second option. But let me tell you: -There is a lot of stress -You worry all the time if you will be able to do it -You worry all the time on how to pay salaries -You worry all the time if you're making the right decisions overall It is the most stressful I've ever done. However, you have total freedom, and it is all on you to figure out, which a 9-5 doesn't give you. I still think 9-5's are perfectly fine, less stress, less skin in the game, and you still get a paycheck for the value you are delivering if it is a good company, but right now, really want to make our own company really successful :)
    Dan Morrison
    Both. Work 9-5 then put in the night hours for my product.
    Thomas Boulesteix
    A 9-5 has the advantage of security, but I like the thrill and the purpose of being an entrepreneur!
    Building my own project :)
    Richard Gao
    Working on my own product of course. The answers you'll get asking on here are quite apparent haha But a 9-5 is a good idea to build some capital for you to build your product
    PJ GarciaβœͺΒ πŸ§ͺ
    It is a great reflection, I personally prefer to build my own product, although I understand that you do not understand that we work more hours. The good thing is that in the end you build an idea that came from you! πŸš€πŸš€πŸ‘πŸ‘
    Rohan Pradhan
    At this point in my career, I'd go for a 9-5. I would focus on building my own product a little later when I feel I have a sense of establishment in my career. On the one hand, building my product sounds really thrilling, but on the other hand, I don't know if I can handle everything that comes with that.