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  • Would you buy a new device just for the latest features?

    29 replies
    Every time a new device drops, it’s tempting to jump on the latest features. But would you actually buy a new device just for those shiny new bells and whistles? 🤔 For some, it’s totally worth it, but for others, it might feel like a bit of a stretch—especially when it means shelling out a hefty amount 💸 while your current device is still going strong 💪. How do you decide when it’s time to upgrade?


    Arslan Ali
    Sometimes those new features are just too tempting to resist! If the upgrade significantly improves my experience or productivity. I might go for it.
    Kavya Tripathi
    I feel If your business or user base is expanding and your current setup can’t scale, it’s time to upgrade.
    @kavyaaatripathi Agree. If your current setup can’t handle your growing needs, it’s smart to upgrade :)
    Kelly Kim
    Launching soon!
    If there's a feature that can innovatively save my time, I tend to change my device. But if it's just somewhat interesting rather than truly time-saving, I don't usually bother changing devices. It's too expensive.
    Poll Coll
    I’m always curious about the latest features, but I usually wait until my current device is no longer working well before buying a new one.
    Harper Perez
    I think I’d only buy a new device if the latest features genuinely improve my daily life. Otherwise, I’m happy with what I have.
    Charlie Grayson
    I tend to stick with my current device unless the new features are something I really need. It has to be a gem for me.
    Raza Rasool
    No definitely not.
    Beyza Kumanova
    Absolutely not, as long as it's not a revolutionary feature that I'll use daily! If you choose your devices wisely, considering your professional/personal needs, you should be fine for at least 5-6 solid years. My devices should be working for me; I should not be working to pay for my devices constantly :)
    Cesare Stautz
    Not really. I usually prefer to wait until the new feature are proven to be genuineky useflu and necessary for my needa befoire upgradin
    Ava Lord
    It depends. If the new features significantly improve productivity or offer something i have been missing
    Robert Mills
    Probably not. I trend to wait for a bit to see if the new device lives up to the hype and id my current device
    I am an old Goldie in this matter, I don't prefer changing my device every few months just to show I have money.
    Sharon Owens
    I usually wait until my current devices starts showing its age. New features are cool, but if my device still works well, I prefer to stick with it a bit longer.
    Isabella Wandrei
    I consider how much the new features will impact my daily use. If they offer real benefits and enhance my workflow, then it's worth the upgrade.
    I’ve definitely considered upgrading for new features before, but I usually wait until there’s a real need or a clear advantage to switching. New tech is tempting, but I prefer to be thoughtful about it.
    Sophia Brosius
    I rarely upgrade just for new features alone. I look for substantial improvements or if my current device can’t handle my needs anymore
    It’s a mix of need and desire for me. If the latest features align with my needs or interests and my current device is outdated, I’ll consider upgrading.
    Haider Technical
    need to improve more and much
    Elido Dial
    I usually wait until my current device is no longer performing well or if the new features genuinely offer a significant advantage. I don’t upgrade just for the sake of having the latest model.
    Sulemna Ola
    I generally upgrade only if the new features significantly improve my daily use or if my current device is starting to fail. Otherwise, I’m happy to stick with what I have.