Would you be interested in analyzing your videoconferencing? (Data, KPI...)

6 replies
Add speech analysis, transcription... what would be the functionalities that could boost the classic videoconferencing such as Zoom or Google Meet?


Jim Morrison
Sounds interesting Enola - what kind of analysis are you thinking of? Have you come across things like Otter?
@jimbomorrison Thank you very much for your feedback, it was very constructive! If you ever want to support us, I’d be happy to show you our Verticalls product! Cheers
@jimbomorrison There are many things possible: analysis of the speaking time of the interlocutors, documents and tools used during the videoconference for example, see the analysis of the interest of people in videoconferencing! I knew a name but I haven’t tested it yet, do you use it?
Jim Morrison
@enola_vedovotto only once. Had a call with @chrismessina last year and he sent me a transcript immediately after the call. So useful - not just in the way you'd expect (as a record).. but because if you know that it's on, that someone (or something) is taking minutes of the meeting, it allows you to focus on the conversation your having and not worry about taking notes. I can't engage and take notes at the same time - not properly. Just need someone clever to put the camera in the middle of the screen and we're golden! What do you have planned?
@chrismessina @jimbomorrison And the transcript was good? There was a lot of text error? Yeah, I see, that’s a good thing because you can get distracted pretty quickly in a meeting. Moreover there is a kind of syndrom in France of the day "meeting in video" so that clearly we are not concentrated all the time ! In fact, I want to understanding what people expect in terms of functionalities for a video conference and understanding the opportunities there may be. Because we create a new type of videoconferencing
Jim Morrison
@enola_vedovotto Yeah, the transcript was pretty flawless... though I'm sure everything uses one of a few APIs for audio ➜ text (GCC, AWS or Azure right?) ... so the quality is down to them really. Best of luck!