Work before launch day

Michael Lappert
10 replies
Actually one shold not work before launch day. Is it not the same as before race / competition day in sports? :D


Sadly there is often lots to do - but I think there should be some space put in for rest!
Neri Raanani
I wish it was :) I always seem to have so many tasks left for the day before our launch. Btw we launched today for the second time.🥳
Michael Lappert
@neri_raanani thank you so much!! I actually would have thousands (at least it is what it feels like...). But maybe you could give me your biggest learnings? I might ask the less important stuff... xD
Sebastian Watzinger
I wish. So much to do... 🤓
Ayesha Javaid
"Preparing the groundwork before launch day is crucial for success, and this principle holds true for various industries, including the Pet Clinic sector. To ensure a smooth launch, Pet Clinics can focus on essential tasks such as creating a comprehensive business plan, setting up necessary infrastructure and equipment, hiring skilled veterinary staff, establishing partnerships with suppliers, and implementing efficient operational processes. By diligently attending to these pre-launch preparations, Pet Clinics can ensure they are well-equipped to provide top-notch care and services to their furry patients from day one. A solid foundation is key to building a reputable and thriving Pet Clinic that nurtures the health and happiness of beloved pets and their owners."