Why working at Slack made me a better founder

2 replies
I think the dropout of college trope is highly romanticized. Going all in on your startup with no backup plan. Yeah... not for me. I worked at Google & Slack together for around 7 years before quitting and have no regrets. I think what you learn from companies at this scale can directly apply to startups like: 1. Mastering the art of prioritization 2. Setting internal deadlines and meeting them 3. Learning from highly skilled engineers While I don't have any consistent MRR yet, I'm proud of how agile my co-founder and I have been when it comes to elevating our offerings. So if you're early in your SWE career I totally recommend starting in big tech, you can save your money and learn so when it's time to make the big jump you're prepared. I'm launching a course on how to get into big tech, join the waitlist: waitlist.gettostaff.com


That’s an interesting take, I would maybe suggest starting with a SWE role at a seed stage or Series A startup, and then trying a big tech job, if your goal is to start your own startup. But agree that it definitely helps to get your practice round done at another company before your own
Syed Arsalan Amin
Nice advice @entreeden but what about working in big tech for many years one don't other aspects of a successful startup like sales and marketing.