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  • Why isn't your Instagram growing?

    Two reasons for stagnation: 1. It could be because not enough people see your profile. The solution? Increase traffic. This is how you can increase traffic: ✅ Interact with others. ✅ Use advertising. ✅ Use all formats. ✅ Use hashtags. ✅ Share with others. ✅ Cooperate with the competition. ✅ Use more channels. ✅ Maintain a relationship with fans. 2. The second strategy Optimize your conversion. The ideal conversion rate is 20-30% and is calculated as follows: (A/B) * 100 = C % A = number of followers (in 30 days) B = profile visits (in 30 days) C = conversion ratio. in % Tips to increase: ✅ Optimization of the profile photo. ✅ Keyword in the title. ✅ Profile category. ✅ Short and strong name @handle. ✅ Highlight optimization. ✅ Call to action in BIO. ✅ Adjusted feed.


    Josh Freeland
    Thank you for all the tips these are great, look forward to trying to implement!
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    @joshuafreeland I hope they will help you, Josh. 🙂
    Hashir Ahmed
    AAAAhhhh. i feel like this is shared for me specifically. kindly assist on how can i increase my instagram audience being an introvert😅😅
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @hashir_ahmed1 Introvert problems? 🤣 I can relate. Mentally preparing to say cashier I need to exchange 5 euros for 2 x 2 euros + 1 euro. 🤣
    Hashir Ahmed
    @busmark_w_nika heyyyy, some people are introvert😂😂
    Thomas Boulesteix
    Great advice! Thanks Nika :)
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @thomas_boulesteix Thank you, Thomas! I am trying to share these tips every day.
    Shaur ul Asar
    If you're struggling to grow your Instagram following, it's important to take a step back and evaluate your current strategies. Are you posting consistently and engaging with your followers? Are you using effective hashtags and making use of all the features Instagram has to offer? By making adjustments and trying new approaches, you can increase your engagement and attract new followers.
    Matthias Strafinger
    @shaur_ul_asar Hashtags are completely overrated in most cases and have a spammy touch these days. I see that hashtags doesn't work anymore for your specific industry, but for others pretty well. I have an eCommerce brand for sustainable vacation wear. Fashion hashtags won't work. But hashtags towards vacation work pretty well.
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    @shaur_ul_asar @matthias_strafinger In my case, hashtag works well, there should be diversity in using them. For example, I have sometimes posts that are seen by people (3/4) coming from hashtags. There are many aspects coming to the game.
    Matthias Strafinger
    @shaur_ul_asar @busmark_w_nika do you have a creator account? Because what I see for business profiles is that it does not really work in most cases.
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    @shaur_ul_asar @matthias_strafinger Yeah, I use predominantly the Creator account (for my Slovak profile), but I am preparing an experiment with my global personal account to see what is going on with that.
    Neha Khan
    Can you guide something about Twitter as I get banned every other week and my audience is not increasing there
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    @neha_khan78 @matthias_strafinger I agree with Matthias. Twitter has more problems with the new CEO that creates nonsense rules.
    Neha Khan
    @matthias_strafinger @busmark_w_nika It seems like living in someone else's house as he do what ever he feels too
    Matthias Strafinger
    @neha_khan78 Create a new account. You are probably flagged.
    Neha Khan
    @matthias_strafinger I've but still now I couldn't message or outreach anyone until they follow me
    Great advice, helpful as always Nika :)
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    @sandradjajic Thank you Sanca, I am doing my best. I can see that you are launching soon. Please, let me know on LinkedIn. I will upvote. :-)
    Matthias Strafinger
    Hi Nika, thanks for comment. Some input from my side: What is your goal? Just a large number of followers doesn't get you anywhere. As always you need a thriving community. The biggest question you need to ask yourself is "Why should someone follow you?". If you just showcase your product on Instagram all the time and try to sell. This won't work. You need content that creates value for your community (engaging, entertaining, educating, etc.). Coming back to the point of growing the community. Amongst various placements, it is rather difficult to have reach beyond your follower base organically. Only one I see that works pretty well currently is reels. Concerning your conversion rate calculation. I guess you mean A=number of new followers, right?
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @matthias_strafinger Yes, you are right. Honestly, I do not want to sell on Instagram as much as I wanted to a few years ago. Now, I want to create a community and help people, I want them to see my content. I have a lot of work on bigger projects so selling on social media is not my priority right now.
    Mark | Paid Ad Templates
    What formats drive the most traffic generally? Also, do hashtags still work and is there a sweet spot to how many one should use within Feed, Reels, even stories? With all that is going on with TikTok, I really need to create/build up my businesses IG.
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @timesaverhacks If the idea is creative, and gives people value, any format (Reels, Carousel, Post) can succeed. In my case, carousels work well. I use Stories for people who are my followers yet – to create tight bonds with them.
    Richard Gao
    Because I'm not on instagram :) Maybe I should start growing it haha
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    @richard_gao2 What social media are you using, Richard? :-)
    Richard Gao
    @busmark_w_nika Mostly twitter, Indiehackers, and product hunt, with a bit of reddit too I'm @therealetch on twitter :)
    I would also add inconsistent posting to the reasons for not growing, I'm currently experiencing the same. Great coverage and solutions, Nika.
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @c99rahul Thank you! What is your posting strategy?
    Hi @busmark_w_nika, I don't really have a strategy I guess, but I try to post whenever I get time. Since I post about coding, web development, etc., I have to have something creative to share like an infographic, which requires time. What do you suggest?
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @c99rahul If you are short in time there is always a way to squeeze the lemon if you know what I mean. You can live stream (using other social media or platforms eg YouTube) as you are repairing code, or create something like the top 5 myths about coding, I think it would appeal sight of some people.
    @busmark_w_nika That's a better way to approach it, Nika. It never occurred to me to consider live streaming because I have to handle multiple tasks in my work. However, the YouTube idea sounds perfect to me. Thanks a lot for taking the time and sharing your thoughts.
    Rishit Aggarwal
    Nice! Thanks for sharing.
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @rishit_aggarwal You are welcome, Rishit! :-)
    Vijay Singh Khatri
    Following these things is still not giving us success.
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @vijay_singh_khatri It is a part of something bigger.
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @sofia_altintas Sofia, I am happy you find it helpful. 🙂🙌
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