Why do you work at a startup?

97 replies
Hey hunters! There are a lot of startupers here. And it is interesting for me why people choose to work for a startup. Personally, I like opportunity to learn something new everyday. My work is quite flexible so my responsibilities could change. And I really like it! What about you? Why have you decided to work at a startup? What is your favorite part of working for a startup?


Jules Dupas
Hi Daria ! For me it's the challenge of flexibility and customer focus, it's really empowering to beat the odds :)
Erica Straub
Hi Daria! Learning something new is a huge part of it for me too! I also love that my ideas have such an influence; it makes work exciting!
Mayank Jain
Hey Daria, I have worked with start-ups for over 10 years and currently building one of my own. Here are some of the benefits I have seen working in start-up environment 1. A startup offers a highly stimulating work environment, where everyone is constantly learning and innovating. 2. As a startup worker, you are likely to be in close contact with the company’s founders, customers and partners, which gives you unparalleled access to growth opportunities and strategies. 3. You will have an opportunity to develop your skills rapidly – as long as you are willing to put in the extra effort required at a start-up! 4. Startup culture is notoriously supportive – if you need help or support to reach your goals, you will almost certainly find it here. 5. Finally, as a startup worker, you are likely to be actively involved in shaping the company’s future – which is an incredibly rewarding experience.
Sven Radavics
I joined my first startup in 1998. The company still exists. Shortly before the pandemic I went to visit as some old friends still work there. While I was there I noticed someone executing a process that I had created 20 years earlier... That sums it up for me. Effecting change and making things happen in a way you just can't do at an established large firm.
Hooria Ahmed
Supposed future expansion of a startup can provide many opportunities for you to transition quickly into higher-level roles as the company's needs change.
Kathleen Smith
It's likely that working with a startup will provide you a broad range of responsibilities. With limited staff and resources, you can take part in projects that you might miss out on in a more traditional job.
Ostap Yaroshevych
From my personal experience, I love it for hustle, freedom, and ability to work together as one big family)
Geri Máté
Before my first day at work I thought it was gonna be a temporary gig. Then on my first day I immediately found my place at work, I was able to take ownership of not only my tasks but the increments of my efforts. So usually it doesn't even feel like work and it feels awesome.
Abir Ershad
Hi, Daria. I shifted from working at a traditional retail SME (Marketing) to a Web3 Startup (Product). If I had to list down why: 1. Infinite Learning. 2. Building > Working on Built. 3. Branching out to new platforms (Like Product Hunt!) 4. More futuristic (Hybrid + Async Work) 5. Technologically literate co-workers! 6. Super supportive environment. I'm four months in, let's see what the future holds!
Hey Daria, Corporate just wasn't for me due to the way I have lived my life. I do not thrive well in structured and task focused environment well. I have learned throughout my career that I do my best work when my interest and the mission are perfectly aligned with the work that I do with some autonomy. So I am here now~
Well, it just happened and it`s one of the most rewarding experiences so far. I don´t think I can put this into words propperly, but I feel like I can finally just be myself and not try to fit in with some serious role or title.
Soumya Chaturvedi
The opportunity to join an innovative and fast-growing company. Being part of something new and constantly learning is just a different experience altogether...Your learning curve moves quite differently The sense of excitement and challenge that comes with working on projects that have the potential to change the world.
Aaron O'Leary
The excitement mainly of building something and never knowing what's next. Also I like wearing a few hats as a generalist so it gives me the opportunity to really work with a few different teams
Valerii Androshchuk
I started working at a startup to implement my ideas into real things. I was working for an established company prior to that and it was near to impossible to change anything
Quentin “𝑸” Durantay
1. Impact and feeling of accomplishment 2. Working with a cool team, some of them becoming lifelong friends 3. No BS, nor internal politics 4. Stonks (let's be honest 😆)
Lucy Heskins
I loved being part of the founding team because it was my chance to "do it right". Plus, I loved being part of the origin story... :)
julia kazlova
I love startup dynamic environments and the possibility to quickly change/adapt processes and strategies according to new goals or market landscapes. This is what inspires me instead of being stuck in corporate rules and bureaucracy.
Nilay Jayswal
Hey Daria! I left my MNC job to work in startups a year ago and i don't regret it at all. This was my bet on working with startups and it has been exactly what I thought 1. In startups there is almost zero communication barriers and no waiting time before you get feedback, 2. Relationships are much stronger and so is the team spirit, 3. You can see what impact you are making via your work, 4. Responsibilities, credits and acknowledgement, 5. Team grow and shrink unexpectedly. Teaches you to adapt and deliver more, 5. Lots and lots of learning as you will be solving bigger and multiple problems.
Katya Veremeichik
Great qestion! I work for a startup because I don't see myself working anywhere else. I work for the idea, not for monetary compensation. - I express ideas freely - I don't deal with corporate culture, gossip, or plotting - I learn quicker than anywhere else - Everyone on a team is working towards a goal, not to just get paid