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  • why do you think Mondays are universally disliked?

    20 replies


    David Cagigas
    It's basically inertia. We are in the weekend mode and making this transition to work is stressful.
    @edworking youre right. but to me the vibe starts right after monday mornings.
    I had to break away from the fun and relaxation
    I personally, like Mondays. For me, it is a way to overview the upcoming week days and plan it efficiently. I am a freelancer though, some Tuesdays can be Saturday, some Sundays turn into a Monday in my life. :))
    @melikekerpel_art i can feel this, and i totally agree with you. deep down if we love what we do, mondays can start feeling like saturdays
    Mirena Vasileva
    @melikekerpel_art That is the beauty of freelance life :)
    Sangharakshak Neel
    I think Mondays are universally disliked because they are the ultimate reality check. After two days of sleeping in, binge-watching Netflix, and ordering pizza, we have to face the fact that we are not living our dream lives. We have to wake up early, put on clothes that don’t have elastic waistbands, and deal with deadlines, meetings, and emails. Mondays remind us that we are not free agents who can do whatever we want, but rather cogs in a machine that needs us to perform our tasks efficiently and effectively. Mondays are like a cold shower that shocks us out of our weekend bliss and into the harsh reality of work.
    @sneel havent heard that true in a while. absolutely right
    Mirena Vasileva
    I think people who dislike Mondays do so because they have a conventional 9-5 Mon-Fri job which they dislike. So a Monday would mean getting into a new week and removing them from the comfortable environment of their homes but also brings challenges for the week ahead, which people with a 'fixed' mindset will not see as challenges but rather as burdens. To avoid this, people should adopt a 'growth' mindset instead and focus on things they can achieve or things that bring them joy. Also - change your job if it makes you hate Mondays.
    Heleana Grace
    I think because a two-day weekend is too short for us to actually relax and unwind. Myself, for example, I usually catch up on sleep on either Saturday and Sunday, which leaves me just one day per week for my hobbies or meeting up with my loved ones before I have to work for another 5 days. There is hardly any balance.
    Simon Vecoli
    Mondays are the most hated day of the week since they signal the end of the weekend and the beginning of the workweek. A person's mental health may suffer throughout this shift if they already feel overburdened by their current workload. Why Mondays are so unpopular is influenced by a variety of social and cultural variables. Self-care and stress reduction strategies can help people face Mondays with a more optimistic attitude.
    @simonvecoli I completely understand how you feel about Mondays, but I believe there are ways to shift our mindset and make the transition into the workweek a little easier. It's important to prioritize self-care and stress reduction strategies, especially if we're feeling overwhelmed by our workload. Whether it's taking some time for meditation, exercise, or simply treating ourselves to something we enjoy, these small acts of self-care can make a big difference in how we approach Mondays. Additionally, reframing our thoughts and focusing on the positive aspects of the workweek, such as the opportunity to learn and grow in our careers, can help us approach Mondays with a more optimistic attitude.
    Mitchell Sanders
    We are not autonomous beings with complete freedom to behave as we like; rather, we are integral parts of a machine that cannot function without us.
    @sanders_mitche We may not have complete freedom, but as integral parts of a machine, we have the power to shape and influence its function. Our actions and choices matter, and we can make a positive impact by working together towards a common goal.
    Mondays are often disliked because they signal the start of a new workweek, which means returning to responsibilities and obligations after a weekend of relaxation. Additionally, they may be associated with pressure to perform well and meet deadlines, leading to stress and anxiety. However, everyone has different experiences and perspectives, and some people may enjoy Mondays as a fresh start to tackle new challenges and achieve their goals.