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  • Why do you think about yourself you are a good employer?

    If you want to be the best company, you need the best people out there. What benefits do you offer to your potential employees? How do get them and retain them?


    Nitin Joshi
    Right now, I am an employee. I wanted to know what an employer thinks about being a good employer.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    @nitin_joshi It is hard to define it because it is more than offering benefits and stimuli. The person needs to feel free. Like when you are at home. But when the company is bigger, it is harder to achieve that.
    Abhra Ch.
    Launching soon!
    Hey @busmark_w_nika! ๐Ÿ˜„ You're spot on about needing the best people to be the best company. In my experience, offering competitive salaries, great health benefits, and opportunities for professional development are key to attracting top talent. To retain them, creating a positive work environment where people feel valued and recognized for their contributions goes a long way. What strategies have you found effective in retaining your best employees? ๐Ÿ˜Š
    As an employer, I prioritize competitive benefits, flexible work options, continuous learning, and a supportive, inclusive environment to attract and retain top talent. Recognizing achievements and fostering career growth are key to ensuring our team's satisfaction and success.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    @hamza_afzal_butt flexible work options: can they work any hours they want to? What can I imagine under competitive benefits?
    @busmark_w_nika Yes, Competitive benefits include comprehensive health insurance, retirement plans, professional development opportunities, and wellness programs.
    Abhra Ch.
    Launching soon!
    Hey @busmark_w_nika! ๐Ÿ˜„ Great question! As someone who values people as the heart of a company, I believe offering comprehensive benefits like competitive salaries, health and wellness programs, flexible working hours, and opportunities for career growth are crucial. Retaining top talent is just as important and involves creating a positive work culture where employees feel valued and recognized. Cheers to building great teams! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿš€
    Ethan Gabriel Fitzgerald
    Offer competitive salary, great benefits like unlimited PTO, fully covered health insurance, 401k match, etc. Foster a positive, supportive culture with work-life balance. Provide growth opportunities, mentorship, and investment in employee development. Involve the team in key decisions to give them ownership. Recognize and reward high performance. Host fun team events to build camaraderie. Ultimately, treat your people well and make them feel valued - that's how you attract and retain top talent!
    Business Marketing with Nika
    @ethangabrielfitzgerald Valid point. if there is such a company (concrete example), feel free to share. I'd like to analyze them.
    Muhammad Saiful
    I have never worked for a corporate or large company. However, from what I understand, effective communication about our work and preferences with our colleagues is essential. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but sometimes, even the smartest individuals can seem clichรฉd if they lack good communication skills within the team.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    @ipuldev yep, you need to have there those people who are more "friendly". When the company is going hard only for profit (which is understandable), some people can slide to "robotic" behaviour. It is not good. Lack of emotions is not also good (but the same applies when there are too many emotions).
    Ronald Walker
    Good question! I think a good employer cares about their people. They offer fair wages, benefits, and a positive work environment. They also listen to their employees and make them feel valued. Do you think it's important for employers to offer opportunities for growth and development too
    Thomas Turner
    Hmm, a good employer is more than just a paycheck. They should be someone who invests in their employees' skills and helps them reach their full potential. Training opportunities and professional development are important to me. What do you think?
    David Walker
    Transparency is key for a good employer! They should be honest and upfront with their employees, even when things are tough. Keeping everyone in the loop builds trust and makes people feel like they're part of the team. What are your thoughts on open communication in the workplace?
    My3 Murthy
    Right now, we don't have any employees. BUT I have been part of enough companies to tell a good employer apart from a bad employer. Good employers: - Have a clear vision for the company & your role. Even if there is a change, they support you through the change. - Allow for open communication & autonomy. - Trust you with the role they have entrusted you to perform. There are many more, but these 3 are the most important (In my opinion)
    Business Marketing with Nika
    @my3_murthy Would you offer to your employees to work on their own side projects? Like 20% of time dedicated to their projects so they can reveal their hobbies etc?
    Ashir Murtala
    I provide regular feedback, which motivates my employees to do their best.
    Gurkaran Singh
    I believe I'm a good employer because I offer benefits sweeter than a cache hit, like flexible working hours, continuous skills development, and a snack bar that rivals the best code commits! How do I retain top talent? By making sure they never experience a syntax error in their work-life balance!
    Andrew Dale
    As an employer, I believe in offering more than just a salary - flexible work hours and career growth opportunities keep my team motivated and committed.
    Lorenz Sell
    I think that much of being a good employer is create an environment where people feel a sense of belonging and safety. For me this is about communication. How do you handle conflict, how do you invite people to be authentic, how do you share your expectations or frustrations in a way where it's ok and everyone can just share what's present for them. Learning how to create a clear space for communication has probably been the biggest thing I've learned as an entrepreneur.
    Fredrick James
    For me, it's about creating a supportive work environment where everyone's voice is heard and ideas are valued.
    Gemma Mortlock
    I focus on providing perks that matter, like healthcare benefits. Happy employees stick around longer!
    Mitchell Benn
    I work on fostering a collaborative culture and offering competitive perks to attract and retain talent.
    Luke Bell
    I aim to build a supportive and inclusive workplace where employees are motivated and valued.
    Him Jing
    I offer flexibility and career growth opportunities to help my team thrive both personally and professionally.
    Philip Polk
    I strive to be a good employer by offering strong support, opportunities for growth, and a positive work culture.