Why do you believe your users have the problem you say they do?

My Phung
5 replies
Common question I find myself asking people looking for advice. I made the mistake when I was starting out to just do some online research, but never talked to a user to validate that problem existed. So many problems could be avoided by asking ourselves questions.


Cristian Stoian Urzica
Probably when you create a product that solves a problem, you are not the first one. A way of moving fast with the product market fit is to see how your competition is doing.
Cristian Stoian Urzica
Also the vice versa is working. Find a product that goes well and make it better. Better means remove features too, not only creating new ones :)
Gurkaran Singh
You wouldn't try to fix a bug without checking the code, right? Talking to users is like running your code through a debugger – essential for spotting those sneaky issues before they cause a system crash!
Mark Lemuel M
problably just to simplify their coherence on their perspective that you can't usually see