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  • Why do people keep making new products when there are already so many similar ones out there?

    Udaya Sri
    40 replies
    Yesterday, I saw a similar question that made me pause and think. After doing some research, I found out there are a few reasons for this, like driving innovation, creating jobs to boost the economy, and standing out in the market. Mostly, people keep making new products because they see chances to improve on what’s already available or to meet needs that haven’t been addressed. What are your thoughts on this?


    Sana Khan
    For me, it seems like launching new products is a way for people to make their mark or bring their personal touch to something that already exists.
    Udaya Sri
    @s_ana_khan Yep, it’s a way for people to add their own touch and make something stand out, even if it’s similar to what’s already out there.
    Natalia Demianenko
    You're right - people often see specific problems or gaps in existing products and want to address them. It's not just about making something new, but about refining what's already out there. Plus, many new products are tailored to a particular niche or target audience, which might only be a subset of the broader market that current solutions serve Personally, I think it's fascinating how even small improvements or focused features can make a big difference for certain users. That's the beauty of continuous innovation!
    Derek Liu
    For some, it may seem similar, but the details matter, after all, "God is in the details."
    Zebracat AI
    Zebracat AI
    Launching soon!
    umm, new products often emerge from the drive to enhance existing solutions or to address unmet needs. As someone who’s seen firsthand how innovation can carve out niche markets, I believe it’s also about pushing the boundaries of what’s possible and continually improving user experiences.
    Zane Ryan
    because of evolution
    Udaya Sri
    @yixotieq I agree. And if I have to elaborate your answer people are always striving to improve and innovate, leading to new products even when there are already similar ones out there.
    Curtis J. Sanders
    New products can often build on existing ideas, making improvements or integrating new technologies.
    Grayson Carter
    ometimes, we just need to try out new products to see if they offer something better or different from what we’re used to. It’s all part of the search for improvement.
    Savilia Lastero
    For me, the drive to create new products often comes from personal experiences or frustrations with existing solutions. Sometimes, the motivation is to make something better or more tailored to specific needs.
    Vincent Hager
    From my perspective, continuous innovation is essential for progress. Even if there are many similar products, new entries can drive competition, improve quality, and provide users with better options.
    Udaya Sri
    @vincent_hager Absolutely! Continuous innovation keeps things moving forward, boosts competition, and gives us better choices, even if there are already similar products out there.
    Billy Boy
    I love how innovation keeps things fresh and pushes the boundaries of what's possible.
    Xavier Jam
    I think people create new products to build on existing ideas and add their unique touch.
    Kerry Rivera
    Seeing new products come out keeps me excited about the possibilities and improvements they bring.
    Udaya Sri
    @kerry_rivera Agreed. New products are exciting because they can make our lives easier, solve problems, and inspire us to think differently.
    Sutton Willow
    People keep making new products because there's always room for improvement. Even if something similar exists, a new product might solve a problem in a better way or offer a fresh take on an old idea
    Udaya Sri
    @sutton_willow Absolutely, new products often bring better solutions and innovative perspectives, showing that there's always potential for improvement, even in familiar concepts.
    Pintu Kumar raj
    I think it’s all about inovation. Just because there are similar products out there doesn’t mean there isn’t a better, more efficient version waiting to be created. Plus, competition drives progress
    Udaya Sri
    @pintu_kumar_raj I agree, innovation is key because even if similar products exist, a better and more efficient one can always be made, and competition helps push everyone to improve.
    Chandan kumar
    Everyone has a unique perspective, and that often leads to new products that stand out in their own way.
    Prince Joseph✨Founder of Buzzi.AI
    People continue to create new products because there’s always room for improvement and innovation. Even in crowded markets, there are unique needs, pain points, or preferences that existing products might not fully address. Plus, new products often introduce better technology, more convenience, or a fresh perspective. What do you think drives this constant wave of new ideas?
    Udaya Sri
    @princejoseph I think the drive for new ideas comes from the desire to solve problems and make life easier. People are always looking for better ways to do things, and new technology helps them find solutions that fit different needs and preferences.
    In my opinion, if two companies if they make similar products, then they will do everything they can to make their products better to attract them for the same target users, and the only way to keep making progress is to keep generating similar products.
    Udaya Sri
    @all_appp_games I agree! When companies make similar products, they compete to improve and attract customers, driving better products and market progress.
    Natalia Toth
    I think there's also the need for self-realization on the side of the makers.
    Bratislava Veličković
    There's always a way to improve something—like making it cheaper, easier to use, or just more interesting. Then, you've got the fact that everyone likes different things. What works great for one person might not do it for another, so having options means more people find what suits them best. Plus, technology is always moving forward. New materials, faster processors, better design, etc. They do it to remain relevant. Also, there's competition. Companies want to stay ahead of the game and grab people's attention, so they keep trying to come up with their own twists on something. It’s how they stay in the race and keep their business growing. So, in a nutshell, I believe people keep coming up with new products to improve on what’s out there, stay top-of-mind, and add their personal touch.
    Pablo Ani
    The drive for innovation often leads to new products that try to enhance or differentiate from what’s already available