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  • Who's your role model for business? How has he/she inspired you?

    Salar Davari
    10 replies


    Nathan Covey
    My dad. Has taught me: - to follow my dreams - do something that helps the world - never make your business more important than family
    Matt Cloud
    Sarah Johnson.. she's so relatable and likeable. Love her!
    Elon Musk inspires me with his bold ideas and determination. Seeing how he builds big companies like Tesla and SpaceX encourages me to dream big and work hard.
    Casiana Rajas
    Sheryl Sandberg focuses on me on helping women succeed and her leadership at Facebook are really motivating. Her ideas on balancing work and life help me manage my own career better
    Sabine Engel
    Richard Branson fun and adventurous style in business is really motivating. His success with Virgin and his positive attitude remind me to enjoy my work and be creative.
    jamesm carmen
    Elon Musk has been a huge inspiration. His relentless drive and innovative approach to technology have reshaped industries and motivated me to think outside the box.
    Olivia Watson
    Oprah Winfrey is my role model. Her resilience and ability to connect with people have taught me the value of empathy and authenticity in leadership.
    Aquiles Byars
    Steve jobs is a role model I often think about. His emphasis on design and user experience taught me the importance of passion and attention to detail in creating something truly remarkable.
    Kimberly Johnson
    Steve Jobs has always been a huge inspiration for me in business. His relentless focus on innovation, design, and customer experience pushed Apple to create groundbreaking products that changed industries. He showed that you can follow your passion, think differently, and still build one of the most successful companies in the world. His Stanford commencement speech is something I rewatch often for motivation - 'Stay hungry, stay foolish.'